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Donkey Kong 64

Donkey Kong 64

Donkey Kong 64 was a huge game. I'm not just saying that, either. It was one of the few action/adventure titles where you could choose from one of several characters. Donkey, Diddy, Lanky, Tiny, Chunky (The Kongs) Rambi, Enguarde, Swawky (GAMESHARK CODE ONLY!!!!!) and Krusha were all playable characters. Wow. Each one of the Kongs had their own quests, and it made it more fun and interesting. It is also a great game made by Rare (The geniuses behind Conker's BFD) So expect a lot of fun. As opposed to Conker, however, the game was llllloooooooonnnnnngggggg. It took me an average of 90 hours-no, that's not a typo, to beat it. Each character has to explore each world on his or her own, explore a little (Little, HAH!) and do a couple tasks. The bosses for the game are better than Super Nintendo's, so don't expect to see very many giant hopping beavers. Oh no, the bosses range from an armadillo with heat-seeking missles to a CARDBOARD cutout of the Mighty King K.Rool. To keep you from getting to these big lugs right off the bat, You gotta find bananas of specific colors. Donkey's are yellow, Diddy's are red, etc. And to find the bananas, You have to look everywhere. Another type of banana you need are Golden bananas. They help you gain access to the next level. These are even harder to find than the other bananas, and there are only a grand total of 25 per level. Only 25 you say, yeah it sounds like a lot, but each Kong can only get 5. And to get them, the Kongs have to race, hide, jump, fly, swim, crawl, and even swat flies. And it's no easy task.

Another thing that makes it so interesting is the fact that Rare had a really bad clean-up crew for this game. This game is glitched up big time. But most of the time it's for the best. Diddy, the fast one, can compete in a race intended for Chunky, the slow one. You can pass through walls with relative ease. You can enter Fairy Island with all the Kongs, although it's intended solely for Tiny. And my favorite glitch is when you enter an area below the main island (getting under it is part of the glitch) and enter a room that was only seen in a cinema scene for about 10 seconds! In the multiplayer mode, you can become invinsible while swimming through a wall into a pitch black area.

Which brings me to my next point-the multiplayer mode. This is where Krusha becomes a playable character (If you've got 15 banana fairies captured on film) and he is the toughest of them all. There are 4 arenas (that's it?!) with games like survival, coin horde, and capture the flag. And you are well armed. Your character has his/her trusty gun (Krusha's is a grenade launcher) and grenades. Plus, you have your own special attacks. And there is no bloodshed, so parents cannot complain.

This game is great for people who need something to do. For a long time. If you can't handle the overwhelming challenge this game has, then don't play it (By the way, you have infinite lives). If you are like me, you will have a lot of free time to be able to beat it in. Either way, it is a great game for both kids and adults to enjoy.

  • Reviewed by: Olikrom (
  • Date reviewed: 3-15-01
  • Pros: The glitches make the game better for some reason...
  • Cons: For an Expansion Pack Required game, you would think the multiplayer would be huge....
  • Final Score: This game is great. Plus, It comes with an Expansion Pak-
