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Hogs Of War

This game is yet another brilliantly crafted war game by Infogrames, creator of the Worms series. Although this game is in 3D, it fails to disappoint. This game has a few features I like: gameplay focuses on actual combat, rather than midless destruction; the bizarre, but hilarious FMV sequences (gotta love the movie about the usefulness of combat boots); plus the voices of the pigs. I love it when one of my pigs yelled out " girlfriend has mohogany teeth." At times, it can be bust-a-gut funny, and other times it can be just plain stupid. After hearing a pig say, "Administer the secret handshake." twenty times in a row, it begins to lose its comedic appeal.

However, like the Worms series, multiplayer mode is where this game is at it's best. You choose which team you would like to be, and launch them into a 3D battle against friends or other computer enemies. You can even customize your teammates and their abilities. However, I found a downside to this. Teams you have saved from single-player are not carried over into multiplayer (and multiplayer teams cannot be saved at all). So in order to create a perfectly good team, you must start from scratch. Doing it several times gets annoying.

Single-player mode was made into less of a chore in this game. Sure, the whole thing still focuses around your team trying to kill the enemy team with an array of weapons, but it no longer becomes an arms race. After each battle, your team earns "promotion points" (pp), which allows your team to change ranks, weapons, and skills. Each rank comes with its own set of skills-ie a medical career gives your pig the ability to heal teammates, naturally. Once you surpass the three career ranks, your pig becomes a commando, and ultimately, a hero. Those two ranks are obviously the most powerful, and they can swim too! Yes, sadly, like in Worms, pigs can't swim, but they can still make it back to dry land before they run out of health and die.

My suggestion is to rent the game first, then decide if you would like to buy it or not. But believe me, you'll become addicted to blasting those little piggies into the air. Oh, and one more thing-for the ultimate fun, try this: get an enemy pig (or your own, if you're not trying to win) near a mine field and damage them until they have about 30 health. Use a cattle prod (or another far-hitting device) and knock them into the mine field. The will continue to hop around the mine field until they blow up-usually in midair! You will have hours of fun with this game. I know I did.