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Thousand Arms

Wow. This game totally redefines the term, "RPG". At first, I thought this game was just a boring dating sim, but I soon found myself to be completely wrong. The dating Scenario is just a small part of this huge game. Even though I haven't played it all the way through, (I just got to the second CD upon writing this), I have the intention to do so.

The game focuses around a guy named Meis Triumph, youngest in a great family of Spirit Blacksmiths. His hometown gets attacked by a group of evil monsters, and his whole town is forced to evacuate. Meis winds up in the city of Boyzby, and is taken in by an even greater Spirit Blacksmith named Jyabil. After Meis runs a few errands for Jyabil, Boyzby is attacked, and Jyabil is killed. Before he dies, Jyabil tells Meis to find the Sacred Alters with Sodina, Jyabil's little sister. Meis then gets started on his journey.

Even though that doesn't sound like a really good plot, you'd be surprised. There are times when the game can tear into your emotions, and make you feel like you are really involved in the action. Later in the game, Sodina gets kidnapped (whoops, spoiler) and I felt angry and that I had to get her back. However, no game is perfect. This game does experience slowdown at the most inconvenient times, like when you haven't saved for a while and are facing a boss. I didn't want to have to reset, but I knew I had to after waiting for so long.

The slowdown doesn't get to me as much as the battles do, though. Several times I found myself lost, and getting pummeled by every monster every five seconds. I wished there were an item to help avoid battles, like in almost every other RPG. And just when I think I've figured out the easiest way to kill the enemies, they throw a Damashi at me. A Damashi is a ghost that pops up in any dungeon, world map, etc. and they annoy me. They don't do a whole lot of damage, but they are really hard to kill. BAD PUN ALERT!!!! And when you don't have time to waste, a Damashi is a slap in the face.

Any way you put it, if this game were to make a sequel (or if it already has and I don't know it), I'm buying it. It is just really good. My suggestion is to buy it, even if you aren't into the whole RPG genre. There are plenty of mini-games for you.