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Good lord, Watson! I think we have stumbled upon the crappiest game of all time! Wow. This game sucks. Why? Well, if you look past the impossible difficulty level, the short gameplay, and the weak storyline, you still have to realize that this Playstation game does not use a memory card! You only have one power-up, and it must last throughout the game. There are only two one-ups in the game too. I don't reccomend this game to anyone. Also, there is a reason why the background music isn't from Viewpoint-Who would make midis for a crappy game like this? Instead you are listening to some quality Final Fantasy 7 music.

  • Reviewed By:Olikrom
  • Date Reviewed:6-19-01
  • Pros:There are a number of ways to destroy the cd, and then it conveniantly fits into any nearby trash can (Or not so nearby trash cans, but you'll want to get rid of this game as soon as possible).
  • Cons:How about this-If any intelligent life from another planet came to Earth and played Viewpoint, they would probably destroy us all so we can't create anything else as horrible as this game.
  • Final Rating:I think that I gave it too good of a rating.....
