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Slayers TRY

Slayers TRY

Slayers TRY Is The Third Season Of Slayers, And I'm Still Not Bored Of It! As A Matter Of Fact, I Bought Every Slayers TRY Tape Before They Even Came Out In The US Because I Just Couldn't Wait! (It Was Fansubbed, And I Personaly JUST Found Out That Slayers TRY Came Out In The US Not To Long Ago) Now The Third Season Of Slayers Has A Bit Of Everything In It, It Has Its Share Of Fighting (The Darkstar Battle Was Especially Cool, And The Valgaav Battle Was Good Too), Slayers TRY Also Has A Good Amount Of Comedy Thrown In, And On Top Of All Of That, It Actually Has Serious Moments. As A Matter Of Fact, Slayers TRY Has More Serious Moments Than The First Two Series Combined! But As I Have Said Before, It Also Has A Lot Of Comedy. Multiple Episodes In This Series Are Just There For The Fun Of It, And To Make You Laugh. (The Alice In Wonderland Type Episode And The Old People Of Justice Episode, To Name A Few). Now What Else Is There? The Love Intrests For One Thing. This Will Give All Of Those People That Care About The Love Intrests Something To Talk About For A Few Thousand Years. What Am I Talking About? The New Character Filia! Filia Is A Golden Dragon And For Some Reason, People Want To Get Her And Xelloss Together. Now This Makes No Sense To Me For A Few Reasons-
1.I Have Better Things To Do Than Get Involved With The Love Life Of A Cartoon (Or Anime, If You Prefer)
2.Filia Is A Dragon...Xelloss Is A DEMON! They Are Two Different "Species" (For Lack Of A Better Word) That's Like Crossing A Rabbit With An Elephant!
Sorry About That... I Just HAD To Find A Way To Get Off Track Somehow (Like I Always Do). Now Finally I Move On To The Cons, The Cons Are: 1.Xelloss Only Says His Favorite Line (That Is A Secret) Once In The ENTIRE Series (At Least In The Fansubbed Version I Own, I'm Not Sure About The Dubbed As I Have Never Watched The Dubbed Version Of Slayers TRY) And I Guess That's It Since I Have No Idea Whether Or Not The Dubbed Version Is Good Or Bad. FIN (I Think People Who Say That At The End Of Something Were Simply Too Lazy To Spell "FINISHED")

  • Reviewed By:JapDemon (
  • Date Reviewed:2-22-01
  • Pros:It's Slayers! And It Rocks!
  • Cons:I'm Going To Recieve A Lot Of Hate Mail From Those Xelloss/Filia People
  • Final Score:That Is A Secret! Just Joking!
