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Slayers Perfect

Slayers Perfect

Slayers Perfect (Otherwise Known As Slayers:The Motion Picture In The US) Is, As The US Name Says, The First Slayers Movie. Slayers Perfect Is About Lina Inverse And Nahga The Serpent, WHO HAS THE MOST ANNOYING LAUGH IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE!!!!!!, That Go And Try To Vanquish The Demon Joyrock. Now Joyrock Has Gained A Lot Of Power Over The Years, And Is Now Extremely Powerful. (But Seems Weak Compared To The Demons In The Series Such As Shabranigdo, Darkstar, Gaav, Phibrizo, Xelloss, Valgaav, Etc.) Well Valgaavs Not EXACTLY A Demon, But Close Enough. But None Of Those Demons Are In Slayers Perfect, So They Have Nothing To Do With What I'm Reviewing. But As I Was Saying, Joyrock Does Seem Weak Compared To Some Other Demons, Mostly Because The Dragon Slave Actually HURTS Joyrock. But The Movie Took Place Before The Slayers Series, When The Dragon Slave Was Lina's Most Powerful Spell. Now I'm Going To Go On To The Pros. Well, It's The Slayers, So There Are A Lot Of Jokes, Big Explosions, And Magic Spells. Now If Those Reasons Aren't Good Enough Pros, Than You Should Also Know That The Art Alone In Slayers Perfect Is Worth The Price Of Admission! The Artwork In Slayers Perfect Is Perfect! Okay That Was A Pretty Stupid Way To Put It, But It Worked I Guess. Those Are A Just A Few Good Reasons Why This Movie Is Good, But I'm Moving On To The Cons. The Cons Are, NAHGA'S EVIL LAUGH! Notice That I Said "Cons" Instead Of "Con", That Would Be Because She Laughs Multiple Times In The Movie. Just Wait Though, Wait Till You Watch The Most Horrible, Awful, Evil, Painful, Ungodly Part Of Any Slayers Episode EVER!!! Which, By The Way, Is Not On Slayers Perfect, But Is On The Scary Chimera Plan Episode (Which Is On The Dragon Slave Tape). (But That Also Has Nothing To Do With This Review). Now I'm Going To End This Review Before I Go Offtrack Any More.

  • Reviewed By:JapDemon (
  • Date Reviewed:2-23-01
  • Pros:Demons, Lesserdemons, Explosions, Great Artwork, Typical Slayers, In Other Words, It's A Good Movie
  • Cons:No Doubt In My Mind, Nahga's Laugh Will Be The Death Of The Human Race (Especially Her Laugh In The Japanese Version)
  • Final Score:
