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Slayers Return

Slayers Return

Slayers Return Is The Second Slayers Movie. If You've Seen Other Slayers Movies/Episodes You Should Know What To Expect-A Very Funny, Action Packed Anime. This Movie Is About Lina And Nahga Traveling Along, Lina Gets This Braclet Thing (Or Was It A Ring? It's Been A While Sice I've Seen This), Which She Can't Get Off Of Her Arm. Then They Find This Golem Who Just Happens To Be Attracted To The Thing Lina Has (And This Golem Is Made From A Metal That Absorbs Magic). Only One Thing To Do-Run!

This Movie Is Not Without Its Faults, However. As Good As This Show Is, The Art Wasn't As Good As The First Movie. Another Con Is That The Golem Sounds Like He's Saying....."Mew"? Very Strange.

As Of The Writing Of This Review, Slayers Return Is Not Available In The US. It Will Get Here Someday Though (I Hope).

  • Reviewed By:JapDemon (
  • Date Reviewed:2-28-01
  • Pros:Funny! Can't Wait Until It Comes To The US!
  • Cons:What Does The Golem Say? Mew? Is This Some Pokémon Crossover Conspiracy? Am I On To Something Here? Am I Using Too Many Question Marks?
  • Final Score:
