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Dahla: Warlord of Phantasm

Birthday: ?
Birthplace: The Nether Realm
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Eyes: Glowing White
Hair: None
Weapon: A Sword which was forged from three of the Ronin Armors
Special Attack Cry: Kento's,Sage's, and Cye's special attacks. None of his own.

Dahla is known as the Warlord of Phantasm, but he has never shown why people call him that. As a general of Talpa's, Dahla is in charge of a garrison port in the Nether World where he commands a very massive army of Dynasty Soldiers. The sword he wields was given to him by Kayura, which was a gift from Talpa that contained powers from the Armor of Halo, Torrent, and Hard Rock. With this, Dahla and his army set forth to attack Ryo and Rowen. With his new sword, Dahla thought himself to be an invincible machine. He could use the Thunder Bolt Cut, Super Wave Smasher, and the Iron Rock Crusher, leaving the Armor the Armor of Wildfire's powers to be useless. Although Dahla was a tough warrior, he had underestimated the Ronin Warrior's bond, as they gave the power of the Inferno to Ryo, which concluded in his downfall.

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