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Lord Saber-Stryke

Birthday: ?
Birthplace: The Nether Realm
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Eyes: Glowing Blue
Hair: None
Weapon: Soul Swords of Fervor
Special Attack Cry: Winged Angel of Death

Sabre-Stryke is another warlord who broke away from the Dynasty. His goal was to defeat Talpa with the Inferno Armor, thinking that if he conquered the Mortal World, it would just lead to the Dynasty's destruction. In the past, Sabre-Stryke had battled with Talpa, but lost. From this battle, he receiced a permanent scar on his chest, symbolizing his defeat. Unlike the other warlords, Sabre-Stryke is too noble a swordsman, making it hard to beliece that he was part of the Nether World.

Being a master swordsman, Sabre-Stryke had the ability to use the Soul Swords of Fervor. Luckily, he got them before Ryo could. In his battle with Ryo, Sabre-Stryke had lost, but he shown off his powers. The "Winged Angel of Death" is Sabre-Stryke's Attack Cry. he leaps forward at his enemy, hurting them pretty badly. The "Winged Angel of Death", however, was not strong enough against the Inferno's powers.

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