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Talpa: Emporer of Neither Realm

Once a human, Talpa was so evil that, upon his death, his soul was sent into the demon realm, where he was able to subdue its demon residents with his terrible evil. Talpa became lord of the demon realm, and master of his demon army, the Dynasty. Not satisfied, Talpa entered our world to claim it as well, but was defeated by the Ancient. Four hundred years later, when the world's spirituality had declined, Talpa chose to return, taking the form of a giant floating head. After sending his Dark Warlords out to combat the Ronin Warriors, Talpa decided that he had to do the job himself. Talpa absorbed the powers of all nine armors, giving him back his physical form, back in full armor. He was ultimately defeated by the power of the Inferno armor, and returned to the demon realm. There, he staged a second attack, mainly focused on obtaining the three ancient artifacts: the Inferno armor, the Soul Swords of Fervor, and the Jewel of Life. He was finally destroyed with the goodness of the Inferno armor, combined with the four Ronin Warrior's powers and the Jewel of Life.