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"To live by the land is to die by the land. To conquer the land-to prosper." -anonymous

Since before the people that now inhabit this dying land of Zaen can remember, there has been a constant battle between man and nature. Who will survive. Little did man realize that they were shooting themselves in the foot by beginning the fight. Noone knows how it began, but the land began to die-seemingly destroying itself from within faster than anyone would have ever imagined. A group of scientists-they called themselves the Kojin,meaning ancient people-warned everyone of the impending doom that threatened mankind. They spoke of the end of the world and hailed the coming destruction of man. They forsaw man becoming too dependent on technology, even in the beginning. A strong political group rose up against the Kojin. They were known for their breakthroughs in technology, their crusade against the forces that were ripping humanity apart, and their neverending pursuit in genetic engineering. After the Black Lands-often known as the black sands-developed, they created the first "Clean cities." These clean cities glistened like jewels in the deserts under huge domes of reinforced glass-a stark contrast to the Lost Cities. The Lost Cities were once the dwelling places of the rulers of the lands, but now had fallen into total and utter disrepair. Sand dunes bank on the side of the buildings like waves, causing many to begin to lilt and crumble. A fine dust covers everything,and where there used to be brightly colored paint-it has now all been stripped away by the harsh winds. In stark Contrast to the Lost Cities, the Clean Cities are just that-clean, efficient, pieces of machinery. Mapped out like an exquisitely designed microchip these cities are a work of art.

the cities under the falls

To the north of the capital city of Naeonae, the casual observer can see three shining jewels of cities...glistening in the mists of THE FALLS. The beautiful waterfalls, one of the only sources of clean water known to man, are a mystery in themselves, but these cities, cut off from the rest of civilization, hold a story of their own. After the first city, Friojia, was created, several group took off to the lands under the falls. These are the mountainous regions to the North of the city. This area is well known for its beautiful waterfalls-one of the only known sources of clean water in the known world.

The cities of Lin-Za, Kin-Za, and Rin-Za are inhabited by groups that wanted to escape from the sterility of the Clean cities, but were afraid to return to the Lost Cities. The first to start a city under the falls was a group of scientists and academicians that wanted a "quiet" place to train their students and do research. They created Lin-Za. The Falls were ideal for this. Little did they know that they would have a sister commune move in two years later,Rin-Za. The gypsies of the SEIEI could not stand to live in the harsh sterility of Friojia, or even the Capital city, Naeonae. The Falls offered them some sense of freedom, but like the scientists, they could not return to the lost cities. The gypsies were tinkerers. They created elaborate machines that would often take up entire houses. It was a city of cacauphony. There was one Gypsy that was know for his elaborate machines. They would start out on the inside of his house, and somehow manage to work their way to the outside of his house...around...and to his neighbors great chagrin...down the street.

The "youngest" of the cities is that on Kin-za. Started three years after the gypsy's commune, Kin-za was a hunters and fighters training ground. Fighters were trained how to fight and to survive. This was used often by both the hunters as well. They would train primarily as fighters, for there was not much to hunt. Many "hunters" now became farmers. However, these farmers could be a formidable foe in battle, due to their training at Kin-Za. Dokin-Za made sure of that. He was a great fighter...but in his later years, had decided to become a farmer. No man could defeat him, however. That was the way it should be. He had seen things that would give many of these grown men nightmares.

This was a rough group, necessary to society, but more of an outcast than they were. They were the hunters, the fighters. They were seen as brutes in the who could not use their brains, so they had to resort to force. Even the gypsies snubbed them.... Until something happened. Noone knows quite what it was, but it changed everything. The fighters created Kin-Za, a training ground for the fighter/hunters of the land. Now, all three groups live peacefully-equally. Strange bedfellow, yes, but happy. They are extremely territorial, and anyone that comes near, knows to beware.

the black-lands of the hoi-di

About the time of the Great Collision, the Black Sands appeared. Noone remembers if they happened before or after. The Great Collision was so important that it changed time all together, so many people just say that the sands appeared at that time. However, truth be known, noone knows for sure. There are many mythos that surround the Blacklands. Many say that it is a dead zone for all technological instruments-even cyborgs. Cyborgs have been known to die instantaneously upon walking into Black Sand during a sand storm. Small animals have also been known to die there if they are exposed to the Blacklands for an extended period of time. That is why it is called Hoi-Di, "The House of Death" in the old language. There is rumored to be a city- Hoi-Di - somewhere in the heart of the Blacklands. They say that it is the haven of the Kojin. The Secret meetingplace of the outcast society.