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before the time of the great collision, a group of scientists and "radicals" were forming. these outspoken deviants of society -as they were called by their fellow intellectuals- spoke out about the destruction of the world and the coming death of a society that would be controled by the very thing that it thought it was creating to help it-technology. even at this early time the KOJIN-dubbed so by their political adversaries from the word kojin meaning "ancient people" due to their archaic thoughts-saw that the world was in trouble. several scientists left the capital city of va-pou and started a research center in the area under the waterfalls. lin-za was this city. it is said that the kojin were birthed from this city. that may be true, or it may be that this is where the kojin were first heard of by those from the new capital city..that glistening naeonae.

naeonae was created shotly after the geat collision. strangely, the plans for naeonae were already under construction. the UNIVERSITY did not seem the least bit upset by anything that happened. the collision left the city of va-pou in such shambles that it was not difficult to convince those that were left to relocate to this strange, new city. at the core of naeonae was the SEIEI contolled UNIVERSITY. the SEIEI calmly came in and very generously offered to use their own men for securirty in such a 'horrible time of need.' very quickly security became tightened to eventually a police state. the seiei were conducting massive amounts of experiments with genetic alteration and engineering at this time. there was still a constituent of pure humans, but they clanned together and snubbed all that were hybrid. the hybrids were not considered inferior in the whole of sociey, however. some excelled where many could not. the children were the ones that had the roughest time of it. at anerlyage , they were taken fromtheir families and raised in the UNIVERSITY. they were given a wearable computer that monitored their body at all times. the computer system knew where they were wherever they went in the city. all children wore the same clothes and hairstyles per age group. a sensory systemin the walls of the school allowed the students to know where their grade level was at that time. most children thought of this as normal, but for some-as the gypsy children- this was quite torturous.

once a child reached a certain educational level, the student could decide if they wantd to stay andbecome a scientist, or leave and pusue other avenues. this turning point in life changes a child. most have never been out of the confining walls of the UNIVERSITY and some despise the seiri for that... but what happenas next is totally up to the child. unless they make the wrong decision that is...

a group of students-hardheaded,brighteyed, and ready to conquer the worlds problems-once left the UNIVERSITY. they decided that theydid not like the backwar-minded thinking of thekojin OR the strong hand of the SEIEI. they revolted. and died. however, hey inspired a new generation to think twice... to wonder ...what if?