an emptiness of long ago
fills my heart once again
its cold touch is
trying to embrace my heart
don’t let me feel it’s warmth
don’t let me see it’s radiance
for if I fall into it
I’ll be lost forever
once it came
so long ago
but I was only a child
too innocent to know
now that I’ve learned
and my past is forgotten
sometimes I yearn
for those days again
now that everything’s a blur
I try to remember why
but it never seems
to come into view
later on
I’ll know it’s purpose
but now
that’ll never be
to ever find myself again
in a sea of raging apathy
I may never know
who I was before
it’s amazing
how a life like Caesar
could come back
just this time
to leave one alone
is to condemn them to death
for they’ll find their missing self
their emptiness and apathy
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