I am a Shadow, the Shadow,
my soul is shared with whom I hate.
Realms long past,
Realms yet to come,
kingdoms lost and never return.
I live in the center.
Second in control,
feared above all,
Aes Sedai over Amryrlin,
Leader over M’hael.
Mistress of the Game,
laughing in the Burning Face,
knowing forever I remain.
Souls of living all,
only one will resume.
My God, my Devil, my love,
whom hath received,
my soul.
I give thee,
thy soul,
with the promise of our august love.
The kingdoms lost will ours shall be.
O Realm that hath bring’ed me,
thou lay fallen in ruin and strife.
It tells of a Realm to come,
if actions are none taken.
my love,
hear me,
believe me,
love shall never have an ending.
And my soul,
my forsaken soul,
will live on for thee.
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