Aphraell Starchaser

"Aphraell, things would be a whole lot easier if you were sane."
"If I were sane I've be dead by now."
"That sounds pretty easy to me."

Aphraell is a gloryhound. Nominally the main char of AU, she's also is "complexly simple". She can be divided into three parts- creativity, passion, idealism. Anything she does has roots in those three things. Those three combine to make up the other two main portions of her personality, her sense of humor and Ego. Most of what Aph does is meant to be funny, and on some level she knows it. She's smarter than she looks- but then she'd have to be. Aphraell is totally driven by the belief that the world can't be perfect, but if you don't try to save it, you might as well sit down and die. She doesn't know how to give up. This can be a problem, however, because she can totally miss important things like "survival" and "was this a good idea," and can forget that not everyone sees the world like she does. Dakini reminds her. She goes after what she wants, never gives up, and rarely looks back. Her confidence is founded in her belief in the world and herself as a part of it, and she will do anything to help someone in need because of that. She may be a self-proclaimed hero, but she's not all that far wrong. Now if only she paid attention to the things that come out of her mouth.

Name: Aphraell Starchaser
Birthday: August 25th
Zodiac Sign: Leo (Yes, I know, it's fine.)
Height: 5ft7
Hair: Purple
Eyes: Brown
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Number: 5
Favorite Weapon: Wooden sword named Splinter
Special Powers: Bursting into flame, others unknown
Relatives: N/A
Talents: intimidation, getting into trouble, charm
Image Song: Trinket, "Boom"


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