Dakini Cateyes

"The Assassin's truest blade is silence, and mostly of the tongue"

She's an assassin, by the way. Why she's with Aph & Co, seems to be because. Yeah, because. You ask her. Most silent of the four, Dak is often the voice of reason and least likely to follow Aphraell's questionable lead. She is, however, amused by everyone's antics- though she usually ends up dragging their bacon off the fire once in a while. She's the kind of person who can convey a lot with a look- mostly half-smiles and glaring now that I think about it. Dak never talks about herself, and little is known about her past, though she appears to have money and a bit of a caffiene addiction.

Name: Dakini Cateyes
Birthday: December 10th
Zodiac Sign: Sagiterius
Height: 5ft2
Hair: Blue/gray
Eyes: Dark blue
Favorite Color: Gray
Favorite Number: 1
Favorite Weapon: daggers, throwing stars, there's more. Just believe there's more.
Special Powers: Seeing in the dark, whithering glare
Relatives: N/A
Talents: Keeping the others in line, stealth


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