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The forest's stillness is an illusion you cannot seem to break,
and yet you are sure that if you could just hear one sound that you would be safe.
You search and search, but it is in vain.

Having successfully appeased the forest's guardian you venture deeper...

When suddenly something leaps from the shadows and tumbles you to the ground.
A large intelligent eye peers intently at you as you feel the creatures hot moist breath on your face.
Your heart is in your throut and you send up a silent prayer to any spirit that might hear your plea.
Just when you think your a goner....

You hear a sound like a cross between a chuckle and a gurgle.
Or maybe it sound like a birds cry, you can't tell.
Whatever the sound is you can't help but think it's a sign of amusement.

Another sound attracts your attention from the great jaws in your face,
you look up and peer into the trees.

Floating above the lowest vegetation is a moving point of light.
'One of the pixies', you think.
'yES, i'M a pIXie', it twitters.

'QiN tHOUgHt yOu neEDEd heLP. SiLLy TiGEr.'

whisps the dragon fly winged flitter bug.
'iT'S jUsT niGHt's DeEPEst sIlenCE.'

It peers at you thoughtfully

'But hoW YOU fouNd YOur wAy hERE iS StRANge'

'ThIs PARt of the FoREst is liMiTED'
'YOuR kinD sHouLDn't EvEN bE aBLE to SeE it'

'HMnn. wHat AboUT YoU ALlows It?'

You can barely make out what the fluttering light is saying when it suddenly
swoops down and gets between the huge presence lying across your legs and chest.
You can now clearly see it and you REALLY wish you couldn't.
All those sharp pointy teeth can't be good.

But, you're confused.
'What's Night's Deepest Silence', you accidently ask aloud.

The tiny creature strokes your eyebrow.
'siLLy cREatUre', it purrs.
Pointing to the weight on your chest.
'thIs is NighT'S dEEpeSt SiLENce'

And the large one makes the chuckling gurgle again,
as you peer doubtfully up at its eyes.
'What is ... IT?' you wheeze.

The deadly pixie titters
'E's A PsUDo DRagoN, of COUrse'

'tHey LiVE far FroM hErE in A 'NoTHeR lanD,
BuT thIs oNe hAs COME tO Ambelin FOR ProTeCTIoN.

AmbErlin MaDE thIs SPeCIaL sectION oF AmbErlin jUSt for 'em.'

'WitH aLL thE SPacE 'e CouLd EvER NeeD.'

'E LIKes pROwlIng the TrEEs and LeaPiNG fROm OnE to AnOTHer.'
'e CoLLeCts aLL soRTs of PlaNTs AND puTs THEM in 'Er's GaRDen.'

'YoU SHould SEE 'er ColleCTION of CryStalS.'

'BUT e's LoNeLY ANd MisseS coMPaNY.'

it peers closely at you.

'YeS, YOu CaN KeEP 'eM COMPAny', it laughs.

Then the EVIL LITTLE THING flies off and leaves you with the Psudo Dragon.

'WAIT!!!!', you cry. But it's long gone.
You look with panic at the massive creature attop your chest just in time to get
a big


'Aaargh! Umpf! Heh heH!

That Tickles!'

' HELP! '

You dissolve into laughter as you're covered with sloppy Dragon kisses.
'Okay. Okay! OKAY!!!'

I'll stay and play with you, just stop it!

Heh. Have fun with 'Silence. -A

Night's Deepest Silence 
-a Psudo Dragon
Phoenix Plushie 
-a gift from Amberlin rubber ball
-a gift from Amberlin

Name: Night's Deepest Silence
Age: Nestling
Gender: Female
ID: p1f
Parents: Male #1 and Female #1
(changed to reflect new info)

Visit some of 'Silence's friends in Amberlin Tales and Extras
Halak Gan the Dragon Fae
Rakurai the Flarin
Flame of the Ocean's Fury the Nomakoto Nabiki
Tears of the Glittering Dawn the Falorn
Snows First Fall the Mini Gryphon
Penny Wyvern the unnamed
How Night's Deepest Silence Came to Amberlin
'Silence's Favorite Crytals
'Silence's Garden
'Silence's First Flight (or 'Silence learns to Fly)
(above titles soon to be developed)

Worlds of Amberlin

Continue further into the Forest?
Or take the short-cut?

Psudo Dragon adopted from: DragonSpyrit
contact at:

Background from: Absolute Cross
Photo from: John Donohue's Park Photos ?

Phoenix Plushie 
-a gift from Amberlin Night's Deepest Silence 
-a Psudo Dragon chew toy rubber ball
-a gift from Amberlin