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Update by Ryoko Tenshi on March 29, 2002
Konbanwa minna-san!!! I know it has been a while since I have updated, but I had so much homework that I didn't have time for a while. Now that I have a four day weekand I will hopefully be getting this site together, but the real changes are gonna happen some time in May. The site will get better!!! Anyways, Happy Easter to all and please enjoy my site!!! Also, I will accept requests for anime pictures and maybe music. Just e-mail me telling me what you would like and I'll try to get it on the site! Bye now!
Quote of the week:"If you find someone you like, what if they will never like you back? Some say love exists, and even if they are right how easy can it be to get it? Love has got to be the most confusing thing in this confusing world!"
Update by Ryoko Tenshi on March 13, 2002
Konbanwa, or should I say hi and good evening. I will be working on the site tonight. I am hopefully going to completely fix the tenchi pages, and try to fix some others. But tonight I am focusing on the tenchi pages =P. This week has been pretty bad in ways, but I hope Friday isn't too bad because it is my birthday. I think I'm gonna make me an anime happy b-day pic for me. Teehee! Ok don't mind my stupidity, I will be working on the site now!
Quote of the week:"Life is something to be cherished in every form..."
Update by Ryoko Tenshi on March 3, 2002
Hello everybody! I forgot to update since February 14, I ahd so much going on! I can't wait until summer, then I can update almost everyday and make this site so much better! Anyways, I am not going to get too much done today because of lack of time. But this site will be updated throughout this week (hopefully). I wish I had more visitors though, because during the school year I don't have many visitors...=(
Quote of the week:"You should always remain who you are regardless of what others think...never forget your true self..."
Update by Ryoko Tenshi on February 14, 2002
Hi and happy valentines day. Today I played as the Valentines Angel ^_^. I kinda went around giving out some candy and if anyone was sad, i cheered them up. I know, I am very wierd. Anyways, since this is Valentines day, Here is a little thing I decided I would post:
The young girl always recieved artificial roses from her boyfriend. She didn't mind at all, but just wondered why. When she went to school on Valentines Day, she found a third artificial rose in her locker. Attached to it was a note that said, "The reason I always give you artificial flowers is because they last forever, like my love for you..."
Update by Ryoko Tenshi on February 11, 2002
Hi there. This is just a quick update. Im still working here, so please don't pick on me!!! Anyways, hope you like it. Have a happy Valentines Day if I don't get to say that the day before!!!
My Quote of the week:"Dreams change, but friends are forever."
Update by Ryoko Tenshi on February 5, 2002 (02/05/02)
Hi. This is Ryoko Tenshi of course! I am giving a little update...I am not going to get to update the site much, but I'll get try to get something done(i have homework). I finally added the Evangelion picture gallarey, thought it's not the best yet. I am going add a mixed-anime music page soon which will have mp3s and other music and video files of different animes and maybe video games(cool, huh?) I might not get this up for a while though, I already started adding the mp3s to it, but I haven't linnked it to the site yet. I will do that soon. Anyways, I better go now, so bye, and thank you for visiting my sitey!!!
My Quote of the week:"It takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them."
Update by Ryoko Tenshi on February 2, 2002 (02/02/02)
Hello!!! It's been a while since I have updated, I'm sorry for that! I have had so much work to do for school, but starting now, I should be updating a lot. I am just now getting ready to update a lot of the stuff and I might get to adding more stuff tonight. Stay tuned, and if you want to affiliate or want your site link added to the site, e-mail me. Arigato! (Thank you!)
Update by Ryoko Tenshi on December 16, 2001
Hi there, or should I say Konbanwa, or Nihao! I am going to be updating this alot soon since I have so many nice holidays off school 'cause of Christmas. I will hopefully get to decorate the site with something Christmasy. I will also be finally fixing this site where I have errors and I am really really hoping I can get the eva section up, but if that becomes too much of a porblem, I might just have to take the section down for a while. Anyways, I shall be going, got lots of work to finish up for tomorrow, so talk to ya later!!! Ja ne!
Update by Ryoko Tenshi on December 1, 2001
Nihao![wow, now im speaking chinese!, jk] This will be a short update. I am working on the site, but i really gotta go now. I am trying to find who these people are that keep messing up my site and on, but I will keep working on the site and I am still taking affiliates and giving awards, so please enjoy the content i have up here and please sign the guestbook or email me! Thank you.
Update by Ryoko Tenshi on October 20, 2001
Hi. This is Ryoko Tenshi, the webmistress. I am still seriously working on the site, so it's not the best and a new layout is coming soon. I have most of the content up on this site, but the whole eva section isn't up yet(im sooo slow!!!). I'm sorry if this site doesn't have what you want, but I'll try hard to get the most stuff I can for my visitors. I am also in the process of making a site called Emo Saye. If you want, you can visit it, but it doesn't have anything yet but the layout and broken links(eh heh heh ^^;). Okay, I better get working and I also have to go to bed soon because I have something to do tomorrow at noon(well...that's not too early). See laters!!!
Update by Ryoko Tenshi on October 10, 2001 [10.10.01]
Hello everyone and welcome!!! I got a new affiliate which is Trunks Legacy!!! It's a really good site and I think you should visit it, also if you are looking for a job as a staff member, the webmistress of Trunks Legacy really wants staff, so u can go and apply if you want. Some of my pages on this site are a bit inaccurate and messed up, but I will fix that hopefully this weekand. Enjoy!!
*evil music plays...* There is one evil thing in this world...something so much more eveil than website servers that are messed up and more evil than Ryoko from tenchi muyo(well...if u consider ryoko evil)...it is something that is haunting me and many other people...something so sinister....something that can possibly drive someone up walls(100 foot tall walls)...I wonder if you can guess what it is...it is...*the evil music continues to play eviler than ever*...~dun dun dun~...HOMEWORK!!!!!!! Stay tuned to see if this haunting thing that exists in this world drives me up the 100 feet walls and makes me go crazy(or wait...am i already crazy??), also we'll have to see wut happens to America. Stay tuned to this section of my updates!!!
Update by Ryoko Tenshi on September 28, 2001
Hello. Today is the last Friday of September...Anywayz, I am fixing some pages, I don't have enough time to complete it all tonight, but I'll try my hardest to get most of it done. Also, I got a new affiliate! It is Anime Rainbows! It is a really cool and cute site. I think you should visit it. Um...I don't think I have any toher things to say, but the banner i have on this layout is a little blurry near the bottom, and I hope that doesn't bother you. Though I shold be able to fix it soon. Enjoy the site now!
Update by RyokoTenshi! on September 17, 2001
Ohayo! I am putting a little update now. I added my new affiliate, anime heaven, and I amn going to change this layout real soon because I really only put this one on for temporary purposes. That's all for now, enjoy! By the way...America nor me have gone dead yet...but You just never know, it can happen any time... My heart goes to all the people who lost their lives because of the terrorists and I also hope that those who haven't found their loved ones will soon, and they find a way to get though this tragedy.
Update by Ryoko Tenshi on September 11, 2001
Hi...I know I keep not updating for long periods of time, well hopefully I will get to update more now. Anyways, today is like a really tragic day for the United Sates of America because of the highjacking of airplanes that then were crashed into the pentagon, and twin towers. Many people died because of this incident, and I mean a lot. Well, we should hope we don't go into war or anything like that, because we really want peace. Okay, enough about that. I know I'm behind on the site, and I will soon be updating it more. This site is gonna get new layout and I am gonna fix the pages and add more. But im getting so much homework...is this th end of the world? or America? Stay tuned for the next day or so...
Here's my update I did on JUly 4 of 2001, I like to keep it here for some reason:
Update by RyokoTenshi(Natures Spirit!) on July 4
Hello. It is now really really early in the morning on July 4, independence day! Teehee! Anyway, Im gonna start adding the dbz stuff and soon im adding wedding peach, so be ready! Okay, thats all for now and have a nice independence day!
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  I need 4 more links to anime/manga/video game sites to put on my right side bar, so I will accept the first 4 e-mails I recieve. E-mail you site's URL and button and I will put it up asap!
~Ryoko Tenshi
Anime Cloud Buttons
~Anime Cloud:Version 8.0~ by Ryoko Tenshi
I wish upon a comet, the one that lies so high...