The Embalmer: Character Descriptions

This character description page describes the characters of the manga and the differences in the tv series. The characters names are listed the Japanese way (last name first).

Mamiya Shinjyurou
Manga: Shinjyurou works as an embalmer. He lives in an old church where he also works. He is a cool and handsome womanizer. He craves physical contact after work because embalming a corpse is cold and lonely and makes him feel uncomfortable, which is why he has so many different girls he calls upon. Shinjyurou is in love with Azuki, his landlord's daughter who is ten years younger than him. He shows his love for her by not treating her as disposable like all his other flings. He likes to tease Azuki and treats her as a friend, and deep inside his heart he wants her to be his only love.
Shinjyrou's father was an embalmer, and Shinjyurou detested him for it and never understood the importance of his father's job until after he was killed in the line of duty as an embalmer for soldiers in the middle east. His father embalmed Shinjyurou's mother when she died of pneumonia due to the frail condition of her body. After his father's death, Shinjyurou decided to follow in his fathers footsteps and went to the U.S to go to mortuary school. He wanted to bring his skills back to Japan to help Japanese society understand that embalming can be an important part of grieving and offers a final goodbye for the family.
TV Series: Shinjyurou works at a hospital as a janitor. His night job is embalming, and it is not widely known by others. His embalming work station is in an old church, but he lives in an apartment. Shinjyurou is a goofball and a pervert, chasing after girls and joking with them. He is good looking, and can always get girls to go home with him, but he seems to get rejected just as much.

Natsui Azuki
Manga: Azuki knows Shinjyurou because she is his landlord's daughter. Her grandfather owned and maintained an old church and Azuki grew up visiting him and helping him with chores around the church. When she was young her grandfather promised to walk her down the isle on her wedding day in that church. Since her grandfather passed on, Azuki visits Shinjyurou in the church he rents out and cleans up after him. She likes him and is annoyed with his womanizing and confused that if he likes girls so much, why not her? She doesn't know that Shinjyurou made a promise to her grandfather to take care of the church for the day Azuki can be married in it.
TV Series: Azuki is a nurse at the hospital Shinjyurou works at. She thinks Shinjyurou is obnoxious.

Kobayashi Renji
Manga: Renji is a funeral director who offers families the option of embalming their loved ones. Renji calls Shinjyurou when he has work for him. He often gives Shinjyurou a hard time, calling him lazy or a slob, but Renji has complete faith in Shinjyurou's skills as an embalmer.
TV Series: Renji has the same role in the tv series.

Dr. Koyuki Shouko
Manga: Dr. Koyuki is a skilled surgeon who works at a hospital. She is an acquaintance of Shinjyurou's and believes embalming is an important option for those that pass away and for the family members to help ease their grief. She fell in love with an older doctor at work and confessed her love for him too late, after he was diagnosed with a terminal disease. She still gave him a marriage certificate to fill out and mail in, and upon his death wanted to have him embalmed, since she was now his wife, but he never sent in the marriage certificate. Instead, he kept it under his pillow as a good luck charm. She still cherishes the certificate he filled out but never sent in.
TV Series:
