Japanese Foods - Seafood

Eel - Unagi & Anago
Fresh water eel is called unagi and salt-water eel is called anago.

Fish - Sakana
Some of the more commonly eaten fish in Japan are tuna (maguro), salmon (sake), and mackerel (saba).

Octopus - Tako

Processed Fish

- Chikuwa
Chikuwa is one form of processed white fish that is eaten in Japan. It's shaped like a tube because the fish is shaped around a bamboo stick while steamed. The texture is rubbery, but soft.


- Kamaboko
Kamaboko are mini loaves of processed pureed white fish that are steamed and are typically sliced before eatten. The loaves come in white or pink colors and he texture is rubbery, but soft.

Shellfish - Kokakurui

- Clams - Hamaguri


- Oysters - Kaki

Octopus - Tako

Shrimp - Ebi

Squid - Ika
