Japanese Foods - Starches

Noodles - Menrui

- Udon
Udon noodles are made from wheat flour. They are very thick, white and very slick when cooked. Udon can be served in a stir-fry, in soups, or cold with dipping sauce.


- Soba
Soba is made from flour and soba and are called buckwheat noodles. They are brown and can be served alone, as well as in soup, or cold with dipping sauce.


- Somen
Somen is made with wheat flour and are thin and white. They can be served warm in soup or cold with dipping sauce.


- Ramen
Ramen are Chinese noodles that are made from wheat and are usually yellow in color. They can be served in soup, as a stir fry, or deep fried. Semi-cooked ramen are used in yakisoba.

Rice - Gohan
Raw rice is called kome, once it is cooked it is called gohan. Rice is a basic Japanese dish.
