Serial Experiments Lain: Review

I finally had enough money to buy a tape of Lain. I bought the first one, of course, Navi. I bought it dubbed too. It was very cool to watch. I really enjoyed the opening song, Duvet, it's beautiful, kinda like a Cranberries song (though its from a band called Boa).

Serial Experiments Lain is about a girl named Lain and her life once she gets wrapped up in an online world called the Wired. She was just a normal girl who didn't care much for computers until she got an e-mail from a dead classmate telling her that she does not need her body to live. Lain then upgrades her computer equipment and steps into the Wired world. As time goes by, it's harder to tell what's real and what's a creation of the Wired. Soon Lain is even questioning her own existence.

The episodes have weird scenes that just come up, and it's hard to understand what's going on. I love it though, it's more violent and sexual than I expected, but I was expecting no violence and no sexual... things... so it's not that bad. Some of the sexual things did surprise me though! It's nothing terrible, just advances and kisses and fantasies.

I think you could only appreciate Lain if your interested in it. Cuz if you don't like computers and internet (and stuff that confuses the heck out of you!), then I don't think you'll like Lain. But I could be wrong. It's pretty slow paced and may bore some people if they aren't wrapped up in how weird and crazy it is. It's a bit creepy, but so cool. Lol, my little sister said, "Eww, that's like those shows that hypnotizes kids!" It is very eerie and hypnotic... I definitely suggest trying it out!

Reviewed by: Becky (2000, updated Sat. 11/3/2001)
