Saint Marie
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Story Summary
This story centers around a middle school student named Dah-In at the religious academy Saint Marie. When Dah-In's only friend mysteriously dies and passes on a psychic power to her, she begins to find out more about a secret war being fought at the academy. Like a game of chess, there is a white side and a black side, with either teachers or students with special abilities acting as the pieces. This war is serious, between "good" and "evil", and the price of losing a battle is ones life.

My Opinion
A good series, so disappointing the U.S. has only seen the first 2 volumes.

Saint Marie is a Korean title, not Japanese. Korean comics are called manhwa. After volumes 1 and 2 were released, ADV planned on releasing more (as you can see at the end of volume 2 "next in volume 3..."), but stopped publishing them due to budget costs.

General Information
Author: Yang Yeo-Jin
Volumes: 6
Genre: Fantasy/High School Drama
Age Rating: 13+
Years Run in Korea: 2002
Korean Publisher: Daiwon CI
US Distributor: ADV
US Release Year: 2004
Made into Anime?: no
