Magic User's Club: TV Series Review

TV Series (dub episodes 1-4)

Yay, today I got the first volume of the Magic User's Club TV Series for Christmas! After the days festivities I came home and watched my new video. So here's what I think...

Well, let me first say that the Magic User's Club OAV is now one of my most favorite anime, so I've been very anxious about the TV series. I've read that the TV series isn't as good as the OAV, which in my opinion, is true. I still like it very much, but it's lacking the constant action-type stuff/humor. It was nice to see the characters again, and the series has kept the same kind of humor, it just doesn't have as much. In the first episode I actually got a little bored while watching it, but the next 3 episodes picked up more.

In the first episode, we are reintroduced to the club members and they set to work trying to remove the giant cherry tree by turning it into flower petals.
The second episode, Nanaka gets angry with her family and decides to run away to Sae's. Soon Akane unexpectedly arrives at Sae's house and she invites her to stay the night. Soon Sae and Akane set to work preparing dinner which cheers Nanaka up. Then the three of them decide to multiply a cake so there will be enough for Sae's sister, which turns into a sort of disaster, but it all ends well, and Nanaka goes home with cake for her family.
The third episode focuses on the school's parent teacher meetings. That day Sae and Aburatsubo have their parent teacher conferences so they'll be late for the Magic User's Club meeting. While they're away, Nanaka decides to cancel the meeting since Akane is at work (and I don't think she's too fond of Takeo). Sae's parents end up ditching her conference and she accidentally gets locked in the club room with Aburatsubo, who is hiding in their from his mother, who is "the bane of his existence". Luckily Takeo comes to their rescue and let's them out of the club room, where Aburatsubo's mom is waiting... ^.^;
The forth episode involves the club members learning something like replacement travel (using a spell to take you to a place you want to go, instantly!). Something goes wrong and the club members find themselves transporting to strange places when they walk through a door. They soon figure out that they are transporting to the places that were on their mind at the time of opening the door, which makes for the funniest episode on this video. Soon, the club members all meet up at Akane's house and go to the school club room to reverse the spell.

There are some new things in this series. Suddenly there are many more characters introduced, mostly the club member's family members and an obsessive little "Aburatsubo fan club". Another thing is that Sae is writing to a friend (who's name escapes me at the moment), but we don't know who (at least not yet). There is also a more serious note to it, because now there is a mysterious girl who is visiting Sae and giving her advice about using magic. Oh yeah, and Akane now has a job as a model.

Here are the pros and cons that I tend to do in reviews:
Pros: I love that the characters are all the same, they're the good old familiar club members! It's also fun getting to know their family members too. One thing I really liked is that Takeo is trying to show his affection for Sae now! Not too much in these episodes, but one sweet part is when Takeo was about to hold Sae's hand, but he chickened out (so disappointing!). There is the same perverted humor which I absolutely love. There are more cute little personal parts, like when Sae and Akane were making dinner, which is a nice display of character relationships.
Cons: I noticed that the animation in the TV series isn't as good as the OAV. It's still nice ^_^ but if you notice that sort of stuff, then you'll notice that it's not as good.

So, even though the TV series isn't as entertaining as the OAV, I'm sure that a fan of this series will still love it. Personally, I can't wait to get out and buy more episodes!

Reviewed by: Becky (Tue. 12/25/2001)
