Perfect Blue: Review

Mima on the set of 'Double Bind' Cham on stage a fanatic

Perfect Blue captivated me the first time I saw one picture from it:

I read a review about it and it seemed wonderful. A pop idol, Mima, quits job with her group Cham to become an actress. Work as an actress for an ex-pop idol is hard to find, and Mima soon gets entangled in a drama series that makes her do things she never imagined she would do. Now tainted, she struggles through the loss of her innocent image and soon finds that a few of her fans aren't too happy about her change either. Mima slowly becomes paranoid and afraid after she finds a fan site about her that seems to know everything she does daily. The website also claims that the actress Mima is an imposter, and not the pop idol Mima at all. Soon a few of Mima's co-workers are killed off as things rapidly get worse for her. It seems there is an obsessive stalker watching her every move and this person is out to kill the "imposter Mima".

Ah, well, let's see. What kept me from buying this movie sooner was the mature rating on it. Seeing that I am not 18 yet, I was never able to buy it. But I found someone who had this movie and I borrowed it from them. First I'll say that I know why it's rated 18+. There is nudity and even some graphic scenes, like a rape scene. It's all just part of a recording for a tv show, so it's not like it really happened; but it's still just as disturbing. There are also some pretty violent scenes.

I loved this movie so much. I got caught up in it really quickly. The idol group Cham was adorable. There were some suspicious characters, especially when Mima found a website devoted to her, I actually think it was a site claiming to be done by Mima herself. The whole stalker thing was really creepy, it always seemed like someone was watching. I've never been actually freaked out by an anime movie, but I was actually a little jumpy when Mima was confronting her stalker fan(s).

One thing that's familiar, was repeating scenes. Um, what I mean is, there was one part when Mima woke up from her bed, then something horrible would take place, and she would wake up from her bed again; the exact same scene. Which is I guess showing the main character's utter confusion of what's really happening, but it also confuses me too.

Another great thing about this movie was that it always surprised me. Some people are good at predicting what will happen in a movie, but I was always wondering what would happen next. The end was a shock for me and the best part was that it wasn't near as sad as I thought it would turn out. Ah... good movie...

This is one of the best anime movies I've seen. It's fascinating and horrifically close to reality. If you think about it, this could happen to any popular star... actually I'm sure it already has. This movie is definitely for a mature audience, and if you think you're up to it, then I highly recommend it!

Mima chasing someone through a crowd 'Mima's Room' website Mima terrified on the phone
