Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Movie Review

Utena watching rose petals fall Juri and Utena dueling the shadow girls broadcasting

For a while now I've wanted to start buying the Revolutionary Girl Utena series, but every time I go into Suncoast, they never have it... but much to my surprise, when I went there today, they had the movie. I had read that the movie isn't really a continuation or an add on of the series, but a film that puts the whole series in an hour and a half! So, naturally I wanted to get it.

Well, I have to say, Oh My God! This movie was absolutely gorgeous! The animation was sharp, and smooth, and hardly any computer animation (a definite plus!). And the colors! All so bold and beautiful! Ah, I'm in love with RGU's art style! The atmosphere was unusual and surreal. There were giant building and platforms that appears to float... The character designs and their costumes were also amazing! I loved everything about the look of this anime.

As for the story and plot and such, it was intriguing. Utena sort of comes out of nowhere to this academy and is chosen to be a dualist for the rose bride. One day she stumbles upon the rose bride, Anthy, and when she sees her "boyfriend" smack her, Utena challenges this guy to a duel. She eventually wins the duel and is now engaged to the rose bride. At first she is reluctant, but soon she is driven to duel anyone who wants to take Anthy away from her. That is the basic story line... plus the ending... but I won't say what it's all about.

One thing I loved about this movie was the unusual and fascinating characters. Most of them had mysterious pasts or ulterior motives and such... Also there was romantic little things. Their were always couples that were so intimate with each other, but it never crossed the sleazy line or anything, their relationships were displayed beautifully, and in a way, innocently.

I must mention how this movie constantly kept my attention; I was afraid to miss any of the scenes! And how unusual the whole world of RGU was! Strange things happen... I'm actually having trouble explaining this movie. It's something you should definitely see for yourself! I enjoyed this movie and I'm sure I'll watch it again and again just for it's shear beauty, but the plot was also so strange and new to me that I would watch it even if it wasn't so beautiful. Ah, it seems I'm just rambling now, so, even if your not a fan of Revolutionary Girl Utena, or know nothing about it, don't let that keep you from seeing this wonderful movie!

If you want to see more screen shots from the Utena movie, then click here.

Kozue angry with Miki Anthy driving a car Touga with a rose
