Quotes and Scenes - Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon: "I’m sorry. I can't kiss you. Rei, Ami, Mako, and Minako. They all died before they could even kiss the boy they loved. So I cant find happiness just by myself. I'm sorry Mamoru. I'm not going to run away. There are still things I have to do. Watch me. I'll do my best."

(SM 46. She's talking to a dead Prince Endymion. She bent over to kiss him before she goes to battle Queen Beryl, but then remembers her friends.)

Usagi: "When I wake up in the morning, a pure white curtain of lace is rustling in the breeze. The cuckoo clock in the room says its 7 o'clock, and mom's voice says, 'You’ll be late if you don’t get up!'. I'm still half asleep, and I think, 'Please let me sleep for 3 more minutes'. I'm late for school every single day like clockwork. My teacher makes me stand out in the hallway and I get failing grades on my tests. The crepes we'd all eat on the way home. We'd gaze dreamily at a party dress in a show window. The little things bring such joy and I'm happy. I wish I could go back to that kind of normal life. I want to go back."

(SM 46. Usagi's wish after losing her life in the battle against Queen Beryl.)
