Quotes and Scenes - Sailor Moon S

Many of the quotes I plucked from this season are of Haruka and Michiru. They were such interesting and intense new characters, with views that didn't agree with the more gentle hearting inner soldiers.

Haruka: "Humans all live by sacrificing someone in the end. Don't you think so?"
Usagi: "What do you mean by that?"
Michiru: "For instance, lets say someone you know is in danger because they were covering you back. At times like that, the person in danger won't think about himself and wishes you to be safe."
Haruka: "It could be your friend, or it could be your parent. Everyone lives by stepping on someone else."
Michiru: "Don't you think so Usagi?"
Usagi: "But, the people doing the stepping might be fine with that, but what about the people who are getting stepped on? Should you think about the people who are being sacrificed!? I can't ignore other people suffering just to save myself! It might be impossible for me alone, but if we all joined forces, we'd be able to find a way to avoid sacrificing anyone! I'm sure of it!"
Michiru: "Usagi, you're a kind girl."

(SMS 102. A conversation between Haruka, Michiru, and Usagi while they give Usagi a ride to Tokyo Tower. Once again showing the difference between Haruka and Michiru views and Usagi's.)

Haruka: "Memories of my previous life or the end of the world have nothing to do with me. If someone has to do it, then you can do it!"
Michiru: "Don't say such selfish things like that! I don't want to do it either. I also have a dream, to become a violinist. I cant do something stupid like saving the world from destruction."

(SMS 106. A conversation from when Haruka and Michiru were just getting to know each other. Neither wanted the fate of a soldier.)

Neptune: "It isn't easy... but I chose to become a soldier."
Haruka: "Then why did you cover for me just now? If you hurt your hand, then you won't be able to become a violinist."
Neptune: "I didn't investigate you because you were the other soldier. It goes back much farther than when I realized you were the one. I was watching you in your first race from close by. I wanted to cruise along the beach in your car, just once. You don't rely on anyone at all, and you are always honest to your feelings."
Haruka: "I'm not honest at all. I keep running away."
Neptune: "I know about you more than you do, because I've always been watching you. You are the one person I don't want to see walking the same path that I did. But when I realized that you were the one, I was happy."

(SMS 106. After Sailor Neptune saved Haruka from a monster, Haruka was holding her, because she was hurt, and Sailor Neptune was talking to her. After that Haruka decided to stop running away from her destiny and become a sailor soldier.)

Haruka: "These hands have been tainted now. No matter what methods I take and what sacrifices I make, I will make sure to get a hold of the talismans."
Michiru looks intently at Haruka.
Haruka: "Michiru? Hey, whats wrong?"
Michiru: "Haruka, its alright. I like your hands."

(SMS 110. Haruka is talking to Michiru before they have to meet Eudial to find the tailsmen.)

Usagi: "Even if we don’t have talismans, we can save the world."
Sailor Uranus: "What?"
Usagi: "I'll save the world."
Sailor Uranus: "Its strange... when you say it, it really feels like you will. A few minutes ago, for some reason, you looked like the messiah. Although I don't believe in your powers, Sailor Moon, please be sure to find the last talisman too."

(SMS 110. When Sailor Uranus realizes a tailsman is inside of her, and must kill herself to get it, Usagi tries to stop her. But Sailor Uranus feels there is no other option.)
