Sailor Moon - Supporting Characters

Usagi's Friends & Family

Naru Osaka

Naru is Usagi's kind-hearted classmate and friend. She is sometimes the victim of a villains evil scheme and even fell in love with Nephrite of the Dark Kingdom. Naru lives with her mother above a jewelery shop they own and run.

Umino Gurio

Umino is Usagi's brainy classmate. At first he has a crush on Usagi, but ends up falling for Naru.

Kenji and Ikuko Tsukino

Kenji and Ikuko are typical loving parents. Ikuko cooks and cleans as a housewife, and scolds Usagi for her bad grades. Kenji works for a living and is protective of Usagi when it comes to boys liking her.

Shingo Tsukino

Usagi's bratty younger brother. He's a good kid, but always gives Usagi a hard time. His hero is Sailor Moon, but has no idea she's his own sister.

Rei's Family and Friends

Grandpa Hino

Grandpa Hino is Rei's grandfather and guardian. He runs the Hikawa Shrine as a Shinto Priest. He's a wise old man, but is often silly and flirty with young girls.

Yuuichirou Kumada

Yuuichirou was an aspiring rock star when he came to the Hikawa Shrine to better himself. He quickly developed a crush on Rei and looks up to Grandpa Hino. He's sort of an airhead, but a very gentle and kind man.

General Friends & Others

Haruna Sakurada

Usagi's teacher in middle school. Haruna has to chew out Usagi all the time and is often a victim of the Dark Kingdom's plots.

Motoki Furuhata

Motoki works at the Crown Game Center where the girls go to play video games. Usagi, Makoto, and Minako have crushes on the kind hearted Motoki, but he has a girlfriend named Reika. He is also a friend of Mamoru's.

Unazuki Furuhata

Unazuki is Motoki's younger sister who works as a waitress at Crown Fruit Parlor.
