Sailor Moon Super S Villains

The Dead Moon Circus


Zirconia is the leader of the Dead Moon Circus. She takes orders from Queen Neherenia and gives the orders to the Amazon Trio and the Amazoness Quartet. She appears to be very old and always carries a staff with an eye with wings on top, named Zircon. Zirconia was the one who tricked Neherenia into stealing the beautiful dreams of others in order to stay young forever.

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye is very conceded. When he goes out to find a young female victim he is confident that they will immediately fall for him, which most of them actually do (though when a girl doesn’t fall for him he gets very upset). He tends to act like a child when he gets frustrated or when Hawk Eye and Fish Eye tease him. When he picks his victim he looks for the young beautiful girls. His weapon of choice is a whip, and seems to be a lion tamer of some sort. He will have his lemures fight the sailor soldiers for him when he realizes he can't fight them all off.

Hawk Eye

Hawk Eye is a bit rude. Like Tiger Eye, he thinks highly of himself. His victims tend to be older women who have experienced the hardship of life. Hawk Eye's attack of choice is fire breathing. When the soldiers arrive, he calls on one of his cute female lemeres and disappears.

Fish Eye

Fish Eye seems to be a bit more kind than Tiger Eye and Hawk Eye, but is still a fussy snob none the less. He looks like a woman because he chooses to and thinks he's beautiful. Fish Eye will choose men for his victims, unlike Tiger Eye and Hawk Eye. Fish Eye enjoys putting on makeup and trying on his dresses. Even though Fish Eye dresses as a woman he never actually says he's a woman, and if it comes up, he admits he's a man. Fish Eye loves to flirt and play with his victims; but when they reject him he gets very angry. Fish Eye uses throwing knives as his weapons. When the soldiers arrive he calls on his male lemere and escapes.

Cere Cere

Cere Cere is called the Magician of Flowers. She attacks with yellow petals. Her lemeres are usually flower related. She wears a pink and yellow outfit. She is the equivalent of Sailor Venus. She is very feminine.

Jun Jun

Jun Jun is called the Magician of Acrobatic Feats. Jun Jun is athletic and tomboyish. She wears a green outfit. She is the equivalent to Sailor Jupiter.

Ves Ves

Ves Ves is called the Magician of Beasts. She seems to have the most courage of the quartet, because she once challenged Zirconia and usually talks back to her. Ves Ves wears a red outfit. She is the equivalent of Sailor Mars.

Palla Palla

Palla Palla is called the Magician of Balancing Balls. She is most like a little kid. She's always wanting to play games with the others, and she cries easily, and always refers to her self in the third person. She seems to prefer attacking victims in groups. She wears a blue outfit. She is the equivalent of Sailor Mercury.

Queen Neherenia

Queen Neherenia was once the ruler of her own kingdom during the Silver Millennium. She had many followers that cared for her, but she felt lonely. One day she asked a mirror what she would look like when she got older and the mirror showed the image of an old wrinkled woman, which terrified Neherenia. Then a figure appeared (Zirconia) and told her that in order to keep her beautiful looks she would have to take the beautiful dreams of others. So, sadly, she took the beautiful dreams of her people, which turned them into ugly circus people, and so began the Dead Moon Circus. She learned of the powerful Golden Crystal of Earth, and wanted it for herself. When she tried to take the crystal from its guardian Helios, who refused to give it to her, she captured him and imprisoned him. Later Neherenia was sealed off by Queen Serenity and a thousand years later she found her chance by coming to earth during a solar eclipse. She had Zirconia to work for her since she was trapped in her own world behind the mirror. Neherenia created the Amazon Trio and found the Amazoness Quartet. Neherenia’s goal was to capture Pegasus, who was the spirit of Helios that escaped his body to hide in someones beautiful dream. Once Neherenia found Pegasus inside Chibiusa’s dream, she captured him and took the Golden Crystal from him. The Sailor Soldiers took it back from her, but before they could defeat her, she escaped. Later, in the beginning of the Sailor Stars series, Neherenia is awakened from her deep sleep by a mysterious voice that convinces her to take revenge on the Sailor Soldiers. Neherenia kidnaps Mamoru, and the Sailor Soldiers enter a dream world to save him. In the end, Sailor Moon is able to transport Neherenia back to the time when she was just a child and ruled her kingdom happily.
