Sailor Moon S Villains

The Death Busters

Professor Tomoe


Kaolinite was the first assigned to find the tailsmen. She is the Professor's secretary. She seems to have had a crush on the professor too, and would do anything for him. Her job was to follow the daimon eggs that were sent out of the lab to find a victim. Kaolinite would appear as soon as the daimon did it's work and found a pure heart crystal. Kaolinite continuously failed at finding a tailsmen. She once kidnapped Tuxedo Mask, and when he was set free by the soldiers, Kaolinite attacked them all with ice spears. Sailor Uranus used world shaking and deflected the ice back to Kaolinite, which froze her, and broke the deck she was standing on. As far as the soldiers knew, she fell to her death. But the Professor reincarnated Kaolinite and she worked around the mansion, sort of like a servant. Most of her job was taking care of Hotaru, who she was very mean to. Kaolinite would try to boss her around, but Hotaru usually got her way. When Mistress 9 was awakened she killed Kaolinite, for good.


Eudial was the first from the Witches 5 to serve Professor Tomoe. Eudial was a hard worker and serious about her job. Eudial would search for her victims on her computer. When one was found, the Professor would make a suitable daimon for the person by putting an item in a crate, the item would resemble the person's hobby or talent (a hurtle for a track runner). Once the daimon was finished, the crate was put in the back of Eudial's white station wagon, and she'd drive off to find the victim. When Eudial would find the victim she would take out they're pure heart crystal by shooting it out with a special gun. Then the daimon would come out of the crate in the car and distract the soldiers while Eudial examined the heart crystal. After many failures and no tailsmen, she began to get death threats. Eudial found out Sailor Uranus and Neptune's identities and knew they held the tailsmen. She succeeded in getting the tailsmen, and managed to fight off the soldiers for a while using her own invention, the Fire Buster, which was a pack she wore on her back with a gun attached that shot out flames. After losing the Holy Grail, which appeared soon after, she fled in her station wagon, bruised and bloody from the fight for the Grail. She was franticly driving along the coastline when a voice came up on her car radio. It told her that her time was up. Eudial tried to step on the brake petal but it wasn't there. Eudial's car skid of the road, over the cliff, and into the ocean.


Mimet was the second of the Witches 5. She has a very high-pitched voice and she loves idols. She was the laziest of the Whiches 5, always sitting around watching TV and reading magazines. Most of her victims were idols, just because she always wanted to meet them. She had a bad temper whenever someone else got what she wanted. She would disguise herself and go out to find her victims with her briefcase (which held a diamon). Her disguise name was Mimi Hagyu. Her diamons would suck the pure hearts out of humans mouths and swallow them, to prevent them from being taken. Mimet's weapon was her long staff, which had a black star on the top of it. That star would create a row of pink stars that would blast at her victim when she said "Charm Buster!" The soldiers continuously foiled Mimet's attempts, so she took one of Eudial's old inventions called the Witches Electric Warp and transported herself into a big screen TV. While she was inside, taunting the soldiers, the third of the Witches 5, Tellu, pulled the plug to the device, and Mimet was lost inside forever.


Tellu was the third of the witches 5. She was a student at Mugen High named Teruno Ruru. In the lab she would take care of plants, because she loves plants, which is her main means of attack. She opened up a flower shop to collect pure hearts. The flowers that she sold were called Teruruns. They were very popular because they were so cheap. Once people bought them and took them home the Teruruns would bloom and suck out the owners pure heart. While she was collecting pure hearts in her shop Sailor Moon, Chibimoon, Pluto, and Tuxedo Mask found her. They tried to stop her but she absorbed all of the pure hearts into a black star. She created a giant monster Terurun called a Hyper-Terurun that was attracted to pure hearts and would take the soldier's. Tuxedo Mask threw a rose and shattered the star and the pure hearts flew out. Tellu went after them and because the Hyper-Terurun was attracted to pure hearts it attacked Tellu and killed her.


Viluy was the fourth of the Witches 5. She liked electronics and computers. She was a student at Mugen High named Yuri Viluy. Viluy was very snotty. She was mean to Kaolinite and very rude to Ami, showing off how smart she was and how much she knew. She collected student's pure hearts through computers. When Sailor Mercury and the other soldiers stumbled upon Viluy she attacked them with her nano robots. Sailor Moon attacked and the electronic wristband that Viluy used as her weapon was broken. The wristband began to spark and Viluy was surrounded by her nano robots, and they destroyed her.

Cyprine and Pikurol

Cyprine was the last of the Witches 5. She would collect pure hearts from the students of Mugen High. One day when the soldiers found out what she was doing they went to attack her. They ended up in a room where Cyprine was. Then another girl appeared, just like Cyprine, only with red hair. She was Cyprine's twin, Pikurol. They set to work attacking the soldiers and the soldiers couldn't beat the combined power of the twins. Sailor Mercury used her bubble spray and the room became foggy. Sailor Mars and Jupiter were attacking Cyprine and Pikurol, separating them from each other. Cyprine and Pikurol were confused, and also furious, so they turned to attack the soldier, but they actually attacked each other and they died.

Mistress 9

Pharoh 90
