Quotes and Scenes - Sailor Stars

Michiru: A new wave is coming, right?
Haruka: This could be the biggest one we've ever seen.
Michiru: Our war seems endless, doesn't it?
Haruka: I don't care, as long as I can be with you.

(SStars 179. The end of the episode when Haruka and Michiru are watching the sunset along the coast line and talking. I think it's sad that they know more hard times are coming.)

Galaxia is sealing Chaos into her body. She has her sword in the ground and is kneeling, supporting herself with her sword.
Galaxia: "After defeating Chaos, what have I gotten into? What did I fight for?"
Galaxia gets weaker as black electricity sparks from her bracelets.
Galaxia: "Chaos! It's increasing its energy while it's sealed! If it continues, my body will be... I can't finish it... not yet! I have to do something!"
Galaxia tries hard to stand up.
Galaxia: "Who could protect the galaxy but me?"
A bright orange-yellow flower appears in front of her chest. It blooms and her star seed floats from the flower. The glow from the star seed lights up the dark ground and flowers appear across the land. Galaxia holds up her star seed into the sky.
Galaxia: "Fly away, my star! My Light of Hope!"
The star seed shines brightly as it rises.
Galaxia: "To the far reaches of the galaxy, where Chaos can't find you!"
The star seed turns into a red butterfly.
Galaxia: "To someone who will embrace you warmly! To the newly born stars and planets of love and justice!"
The butterfly flutters towards a galaxy.

(SStras 199. This is one of my favorite scenes of the whole series. Sailor Galaxia seals the evil force called Chaos into her body to protect the galaxy. Before the evil takes control, she removes her star seed from her body and lets it fly away, hoping that at least that part of her will never be tainted by evil.)
