Chapter 3 (Heero Loses It)


          The sun had long past since it’s dip into the west and he waited impatiently for Wufei to return with the orange juice, alone. He nearly fell into slumber from consuming nearly a full 40oz bottle of tequila since his confrontation with Wufei, when he heard a vehicle pull up the driveway, his senses muddled, couldn’t tell if it were the jeep Wufei was using or the sedan that Quatre and Trowa were. Nonetheless, he snarled to the intruding headlights that poked through the doors’ window, cowering into a corner, he hid from the bubbly couple, enraptured into a tight embrace. Sure enough, it was Trowa and Quatre returning from a long day of shopping, going to the movies, and doing other cute couply stuff that made Heero’s stomach churn. Trowa barged in ahead, arms loaded with bags and bundles, as Quatre followed meekly behind grinning gleefully all the while, neither taking notice of the Japanese hiding in the corner, watching them intensively. Waiting until the newly arrived settled into their room for the night, did he finally emerge to have the second vehicle pull up the drive. This intrigued him, did Wufei in fact find Duo and plan on seducing him, or did he simply do as he said he would and go buy some orange juice and perhaps pick up some woman on the way? Never minding the fact that the vehicle lay idling for a longer time that it should, he stood beside the door anxiously strafing the wall and peeking out every so often to check for movement. The doors opened and closed, another long moment passed, eerily long and quiet he thought, he built up more nerve to peek out and saw Duo planting kisses on Wufei’s jaw line, the taller not refusing. Heero’s eyes welled up but refused shed any tears, this is what he wanted wasn’t it? For Duo to be happy and who better than someone he knew and trusted, perhaps it was the alcohol doing the thinking for him, he smiled.


          He stood watching and never flinching a muscle, as Wufei carried Duo into his room and left, not staying any longer than he had anticipated. His eyes solemnly followed the dark-haired youth to the bathroom and then to his room. Certain that all the other pilots had retired for night, he regained his position at the dining room table in front of his bottle and shot glass of tequila. Slapping himself awake, he focused on the bottle and began imagining that the bottle was some old friend he had never met, wondering where that friend had come from and where it had been all his life, he picked it up and looked down the mouth, brought it to his lips and kissed it tentatively. Savoring the bitter taste, he licked his tequila-covered lips and kissed the rim again, tipped the bottle for some of the liquid to seep through his gently parted lips, running down his tongue to his throat. His grip on the bottle relaxed, and pulled it away from his eager mouth, whimpering from the coldness of the glass, he wanted skin to replace the unfeeling bottle, but yet, brought it up for one more taste, until a light flickered on in the hallway.


          “Is someone out there?” came a light quiet voice, nearly frightened. Heero didn’t move, in hopes Quatre would simply figure he was hearing things and return to bed, to no avail, the blond continued his search of a possible prowler, not waking Trowa as he usually would. Being under the severe influence of alcohol, could not piece the words “it’s just me” in his mouth, thus remaining silent as Quatre looked into every room, looking for movement, wielding a baseball bat. The petite Arabian paused at the door to Heero’s room and called out to him quietly, receiving no response, padded directly over the dining room where he figured Heero would be. Not surprised, the Japanese sat there in an alcoholic haze in front of a near empty bottle and filled shot glass. Even so, Quatre, being the kind of person he is asked Heero whether he had been drinking or not. He received a quiet giggle and a nod, the drunkard blushing madly and leering at him.  Quatre breathed a sigh of relief and turned to go to bed, but a tanned hand caught his shoulder. Heero shook his head slowly, indicating for the blond not to leave, tightening his grip slightly. “Heero…” Quatre whispered, “I should go to bed Trowa…” Heero put a finger over the blonde’s lips and hushed him while smiling huskily. “You should stay here”, he stated bluntly. Quatre fidgeted nervously, he didn’t want to upset him being as drunk as he was, however, disliked the idea of where his thoughts were heading.


          “What about Duo?”

          “Fuck Duo. He wants Wufei and I want you.”

          “Heero, I have Trowa, you know that. What ever had passed between us before stays there. Don’t look at me like that.”

          “Fuck ‘em all. We were the first ones to even BE together. That’s the way it should have stayed but you HAD to go to the circus clown.”

          “It wasn’t like that and you know it! I always loved Trowa. I went to you when I thought he was dead. I was alone and scared, and there you were. And so there we were, that was a while ago Heero.”


“Don’t feed me any bull shit Quatre. I know you still want me. I see the way you looked at me whenever I was with Duo.” He grabbed the blonde’s shoulders with both hands and pushed him into the wall so he could not back away, leaving him vulnerable. “Heero, you aren’t making any sense, you are drunk. Please let me go.” Heero slammed Quatre against the wall harshly, “You are not one to tell me what to do. I do as I please, even if that means taking you.” He cupped the Arabian’s chin in his hand bringing his face a breath away from the other, smiled malevolently. Quatre squirmed under Heero’s pressing body, but somehow, his body and mind were in a battle of their own. It was true, it did enjoy the time he and Heero were together, he was incredible in ‘battle’ yet seriously lacked in the emotional department, which is why he left him in the first place. His body remembered the Japanese’s touch and quivered against its will, wanting more. His mind screaming at him that it was a bad idea, and that he should yell out for Trowa, but his mouth being a part of his body, refused to comply. He prayed that Heero would slip up and be loud, waking everyone in the house, but he made sure to be quiet.


Heero crushed his eager lips against Quatre’s, and feathered them out to his neck, earlobes, nape, hands tugging at his flannel shirt tucked in behind, body pressing harder against the smaller, breathing heavily. The petite one stood there dumbfounded and numb, not quite sure how to react to Heero’s sudden impulses, keeping his hands in tight fists. Feeling the erection rubbing against his leg, his body began to tingle in such a way that it had not for a long time, and a warmth began to grow in his pants. Trowa was a good lover, but Heero was always more risqué and inventive, he figured that was why he wasn’t fighting. Heero’s rough kisses trailed over his now bare chest ‘when did I lose my shirt’ he thought, and stopped to play with an erect nipple, circling slowly with his tongue and rubbing his lower back and hips with his hands. Moans slipped from Quatre’s lips and he whispered words he never wanted to say, in complete submission to Heero’s work. He grew painfully yet reluctantly aroused, Heero’s hand cupping his buttocks, thrusting his own harness against the other through the cloth. Instinctively, his hands took hold of Heero’s waist for support, as he began to feel weak from desire. Heero lifted him from the floor as he wrapped his legs around his waist and brought his arms to encircle to the chiseled Japanese shoulders, burying his face in his neck to hide it from shame, as the other slipped his hands down the back of his pants to groping the smooth skin of his backside. Heero took one of Quatre’s earlobes between his teeth and murmured in a low husky rumble, “Do you want me now?” Something in the blond snapped, and began licking Heero’s neck, moving across his jaw, nipping at his chin, crushing passionate kisses onto his lips, “no” he whispered softly while continuing the caresses. With that, Heero, with Quatre still in his arms, moved away from the wall and brought him to the living room, laying him onto the soft shag carpet.


Heero gently placed the petite Arabian on his back, going down with him, pressing his warm body next to his nude chest, growling seductively, hands rubbing his ribs and stomach, waiting for Quatre to say one simple phrase that he used to, to drive him over the edge, once the blond could not take foreplay anymore. He wanted Quatre to desire him more than ever, although he knew the one underneath him was still reluctant, keeping withdrawn and unaffectionate in comparison to their past escapades. Not being able to take Quatre’s stalling, he took his hands and raised them above his head, pinning the smaller boy beneath him as he nipped and licked at his throat and chin, leg pressing warmly against his arousal, moving his knee in a slight circular motion. Quatre bit his lip to keep from screaming, his body ached to be released, yearning for that small simple touch that could start an avalanche, arching his back so he could feel more through his pants. Heero straddled his hips, taking off his shirt, grinding their groins together, Quatre let out a lustful moan. The Japanese knew the little Arab wouldn’t be able to take much more, got off of his hips and removed any offending clothing off both bodies. The blond shut his eyes tight, knowing that their sexes were very obvious, and Heero would be taking the next step with or with out his approval, always being aggressive, not taking no for an answer after a certain point, and that had passed minutes ago.


Heero’s hot lips left a sensitive moist trail down his chest and abdomen, nestling and nipping at the bit of flesh just below the navel, licked and sucked at the tender skin, until he couldn’t take the closeness of Heero to his eager hard member. “P-pplease Hee… Heero” he stuttered incoherently, begging for release, he knew he could take no more without bringing things into his own hands. The Japanese smirked victoriously, taking Quatre’s length into his warm moist mouth, moving excruciatingly slow up and down repetitively, making Quatre quiver with desire to thrust deeper and faster into Heero’s mouth. The blond arched his hips and tightened his muscles, preparing for release, intertwining his slight fingers in the carpet underneath his head, and Heero slipped his mouth off the throbbing erection, hearing a disappointed groan escape from it’s owner. He also would soon need his release, and searched relentlessly for the bottle of lotion he and Duo kept stashed under the couch for such an occasion, all the while rubbing himself into Quatre’s hardness. He found it and squeezed a little onto his fingers, coating them, he began kissing Quatre’s abdomen again to relax him as he inserted two fingers into him, stretching him gently. Moving in and out slowly, to get him well coated on the inside, he positioned himself above the lying boy and raised his hips, inserting into him carefully, ‘He was always so tight’ he thought. Quatre nearly cried out as Heero hit his pleasure spot over and over, both soon at the edge. Trying as hard as he could to not impale himself onto Heero, his hands worked their way to his neglected erection and began pumping with each of Heero’s thrusts, taking the hint, slammed harder and faster into him, sweat beading down his forehead, was splashed with Quatre’s passion, thus giving in and releasing himself into his insides.


He collapsed to Quatre’s side, giggling to himself, in post-orgasmic and alcoholic mirth, “See that wasn’t so bad”. The blond lay there silently for a moment or so, until the numbness ebbed from his mind, curled into the fetal position and began to whimper, “Oh Trowa what have I done?” repetitiously. “Oh lighten up Quatre, it was fun.” “What? Heero you are sick. Just because you are miserable you have to make everyone around you the same? I can’t believe I went along with that… I’ll have to tell Trowa, and rest assured I WILL tell Trowa about this, he has the right to know, whether he’ll stay with me or not.”

Chapter 4>>>