Fear of Intimacy Chapter 6 and on time plotting thing… yeah that’s it ^_^
Where I left off à Duo and Wufei had just “consummated” their relationship
à The phone rang
à Heero’s in the hospital
à Duo and Wufei have no idea what happened
Quatre feels: guilty, sad, and worried. Who is he worried about and why?
He’s worried about Duo finding about what Heero did.
He’s worried how the friendships will change.
He’s worried that Trowa feels angry with Heero still.
He’s worried about Heero’s condition.
Quatre feels guilty because he thinks he could have stopped it somehow.
Quatre is sad because a HUGE rift amongst them has occurred.
Duo: is relatively clueless yet curious. He knows that Trowa beat the crap out of Heero….
We’re looking over Trowa’s shoulder.
He was afraid, for the first time in his life he was truly afraid. He had been alone all too long and finally a small sense of normalcy and direction had engulfed his shattered life and made it whole. His security was threatened that very night. How could he have let himself sleep through it? Trowa muttled through his fogged thoughts not finding any answers to his many questions.
Was it true that Quatre did have a weak spot for Heero? “No,” he chided himself, “I wasn’t the one who was practically cheated on… I’m just the bully who beat the snot out of an innocent drunk.” The irony of it all, being a child raised by ruthless mercenaries that drank all too often, he never took drunkenness as an excuse. If you don’t want to be held liable for your actions, don’t do them.
As they waited for Duo and Wufei to return from the hospital, they sat in uncomfortable silence in their bedroom, neither looking at the other for the longest time. His eyes drifted over every item in the room as he had done before he had been told of the previous evening’s events. Trowa counted out mentally every fold in the curtains, each wrinkle on the bedspread, and every time Quatre would sigh. Quatre laid into him a fury of assaulting verbal blows. He wasn’t a stranger to verbal abuse, he wasn’t unaccustomed to yelling, screaming, fighting, and crying. He was however, not enjoying his lover’s company. The blonde was a bundle of tears, claiming that Heero could not be to blame for what had happened. He took the blame for it all. Trowa’s heart rate raced in his chest, attempting to stay calm, his body telling him something the his mind did not want to acknowledge, that Quatre was giving him a “Dear John” coded message between the lines.
He shook his head, refusing to believe where his mind was taking him as Quatre ensued with the “poor Duos” and “poor Heeros”. Knowing that Quatre had once kept Heero’s company in the past didn’t ease his suspicions. By the time the yelling had slowed and the tears had all but faded from the blonde’s face, Trowa took the moment by the reins.
“Quatre. What are you telling me?”
“That the fight wasn’t worth it.”
“No. You were defending him. You still love him don’t you?” His eyes drifted to a close. Quatre’s happiness was his own, and if they were better off apart he would allow Quatre that choice.
“I… no. I never loved him. We had some good times, but he could never love me. You give a little you take a little I suppose.”
“And now?”
“What about now?”
“You can’t hone