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Sailor Moon Sailor Mercury Sailor Mars Sailor Jupiter Sailor Venus
Sailor Uranus Sailor Neptune Sailor Saturn Sailor Pluto
Sailor Chibimoon Tuxedo Mask The Cats The Three Lights Villains Others

I do not own Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon and all of its characters, images, and music (plus the toys, clothing, etc.) belong to Naoko Takeuchi. I am just borrowing for my site.

Sailor Moon was one of the first Anime series that I ever watched, back when I was in first grade, and I've always loved it. There is no denying the fact that, though rather old, it is a great series with wonderful animation. Unfortunately, most of the pictures I have are not very good because they were scanned from my Sailor Moon playing cards.

Sailor Moon is about a 14 year old girl named Serena (or Usagi in the Japanese version) who finds out from her cat that she has the power to transform into Sailor Moon, the champion of love and justice. She eventually finds the other Sailor Scouts to help her in her battle against the negaverse and learns of her previous life. If you haven't seen Bishojo Senshi Sailormoon, you definately should.

Disclaimer: The biographical statistics on my Sailor Moon character pages comes from "The Sailor Moon Role-Playing Game and Resource Book", which was written and designed by Mark C. MacKinnon. So please don't sue me. Obviously, I added in a few obnoxious comments of my own that were not included in the book.

Pretty group pic #1... Pretty group pic #2... Is it just me, or does Hotaru look freaked out by the fact that Haruka is touching her? HAIR! Look, it's all five of the inner scouts and Rini. She's so SHORT!!! Look, Mercury is in the foreground. Does this mean she's finally getting the credit she deserves?

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This page was created on Friday, August 3, 2001. So far, all of the pages are working except for "Villains, page 3" and "Others".

Sailor Moon is an evil anime. I keep my Ouija board on hand while watching this show. (Don't worry, I'm just kidding. I don't really own a Ouija board.)

a n i m e ~ k i n g d o m - better than reality...