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10/26/03  Well, it's been hectic. It's been about 11 months since I last updated ^^; Since I last updated, I have graduated from college, and have just started my master's degree. I currently have 3 interviews for medical schools lined up. Which is why I present to you my latest update:

SPAMANGAAAAAAAA!!!!!- Episode 10 is finally up! XD hahaha. It was actually done and uploaded about 3 months ago, I just had absolutely no time to html it ^^; In fact, in the time I was htmling tonite, I was supposed to be working on an application to the Pritzker School of Medicine in Chicago *^_^* hehehe. See how much I luv u guys? ^.^ O yeah, episode 11 (the final!) is like 85% done, I'll finish during winter break and put that up too ^.^

I know that updates aren't exactly frequent around here, but don't worry, I won't be ditching this site for a looooooooong time to come ^-^ Plans for future updates: Fix up all the various broken links, get rid of the dead mp3 section ( died again), finish the new layout I've been working on, and hopefully, I will be able to re-scan in all my old Spamangas so that the text will be readable ^^; Sankyu for coming to my site, enjoy your stay! ^.~

Reiko-chan ^.~

Gundam Wing-  This is the part of my site where you can read the Blind Target manga!

Music-  Finally back up! Download songs here! ^-^

Spamanga-  You can read my retarded/hilarious parody of Sailor Moon here! ^o^ It's mostly a lot of inside jokes (all the characters are based on real people), but there are people who've never met me who still like it! (Hikari-chan ^.^)

Links-  Here are a bunch of links to sites that I really like. Most are already on Anipike or other more well-known sites than mine, but there are a few that aren't. Check these sites out, they're really great! ^-^

About Me-  Now you can read all about me! ^o^

Fun Stuff!-  If you just can't get enough Sailormoon, Pokémon, And More!, click here for rants and other extra little things that'll eat up your time! ^o^ (btw, I SWEAR to have more stuf here in the future! ^^;;)

Mail Me-  If you ever wanna ask me anything at all, just mail me at I check my mail VERY often! ^-^