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Fast Forward




Chapter 1

Momiji woke from her dream with a start, the memories of it still vivid in her mind. She could almost see his smile, hear his laugh Oh no. Not that again, she thought. Five years since the break up and he still won't quit haunting me. Sighing, she rolled over in bed and stared at her fiancé Todd sleeping peacefully. This was her future; this was the man she loved. Or at least, the best someone like she was going to get. The American had his quirks, but he was sweet and she believed he truly did love her. Not like most of the men who had come after Momiji in the last 3 years or so.

Ever since that whole Kushinada thing, Momiji had become Japan's national figurehead, the hero and savior of a country. As such, nothing in her life was private. I know how American movie stars must feel, Momiji thought with a wry smile. But the fame and worship had come with a price. It seemed as if no one wanted to be close to Momiji except for personal reasons. Men wanted to marry her simply to be dragged into the spotlight. Friends hardly ever turned out to be real friends at all. She was surrounded by people and still she had never been more alone in her entire life.

Losing her mother and grandmother in the Arigami attacks had been the hardest part. Sure, Mr. Kunakida and Ms. Takeuichi (now Ms. Kunikida) had adopted her and brought her into their home to live out her last few years of high school. But now she was 21, in college, and living out on her own. Todd seemed to be the only person she could count on to be there right now. Except for...well, not anymore...fiercely Momiji shoved that unfinished thought aside. She had to stop thinking about Kusinagi. That stupid dream had really messed with her head. She hadn't seen Kusanagi in 5 years. Gods knew where he was now. Kusinagi was gone. Gone gone gone gone gone.

"He's gone," she whispered to herself, trying to drive the point home. Todd heard her and stirred in his sleep, waking up enough to open one eye.

"Did you say something, sweetie?" he mumbled.

"No, nothing." Momiji pulled the covers up, rolled over, and tried to go back to sleep. After a half hour of tossing and turning, she decided sleep was a lost cause and got up to take a shower and get ready for classes.


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