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Understanding a Simple Name



(Hiya folks. Please be gentle with me on this fic. I know the concept might not be very original, but maybe my writing will make up for lack of creativity. I’m really sorry everyone. This is, by the way, my first Blue Seed fic and, even though that is a pathetic excuse, please bear with me. Thanks and I hope you enjoy my fic.)



Overlook by a Young Kushinada

"I always used to ask my mother why she named me Unmei. Every time I would ask, despite any sort of mood she could be in, she would always smile and say the same thing she said the time before that. Your name means destiny and destiny is what I have lived by ever since I was a young woman. My life as the Kushinada began because of destiny. Destiny is what led me to meet your father. Destiny is what led to your birth. And Destiny, Unmei-chan, is what will one day led to a resolution to everything that we have had to struggle with. One day, you will understand.

I thought that I never would. For hours on end, after asking the question, I would ponder what my mother had meant. Sometimes, when night fell and everything was quiet, I would lay awake and wonder endlessly; trying so hard to understand. Still, I never figured it out. That was until destiny, just as my mother had said, finally showed me the answer I craved.

Unmei. Destiny. Finally, my name is not a mystery or a puzzle. Finally, I understand my name and its meaning."