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More Bad Luck; Why Does this

Always Happen to Me?




    Episode four begins with Momiji arriving at the TAC offices and doing a thorough cleaning job.  As she mops and scrubs, we learn a little bit about each member of the group, the last being Kome Sawaguchi, whom this episode really centers around.  Kome comes in late, finds the office sparkling and rushes over to her locker to find that her guns have also been victim to overzealousness on Momiji's part.  Kome is not very happy and she yells at Momiji, telling her that weapons are very senstiive instruments.
    Momiji apologizes and they are paired together to do some research at the Police Department.  They don't go to the Police Department, however.  Instead, Kome takes her to a shrine, where she prays for good luck and reads her fortune; a colleague will bring you trouble, which she immediately interprets to mean Momiji.  Unhappy she turns and leaves and Momiji tags along after her, getting knocked down in the process.  Enter Mr. Kusanagi, who just happened to catch a glimpse of Momiji's underwear as she fell over and can't resist the urge to make a comment.  Momiji tries to slap him, only to find her attempt blocked, and Kusanagi asks her if she heard anything calling to her.  Momiji immediately becomes alarmed, knowing that he is talking about Aragami and she asks apprehensively if he thinks that they will attack her again.  After saying no, he abruptly leaves and Momiji goes to find Kome.
    Kome starts haranguing Momiji about keeping up and not getting lost, and is distracting in mid-complaint when she sees a firearm model in a shop.  She leaves Momiji in the middle of the street, telling her not to move, and then enters the shop to drool over the model.  Momiji of course, can't stand in the middle of the street, unless she wants to become a frisbee, so she moves to the sidewalk and spots a bow that she buys for Kome.  Kome comes out of the shop and finds Momiji missing, and goes looking for her.  Mistaking another girl for Momiji, she grabs her which lands her in trouble.  Eventually she finds Momiji and is further enraged when Momiji tries to give her the present that she bought for Kome. 
    Kome storms off and Momiji wanders off on her own.  Eventually the two meet up again as they are both tracking the same Aragami.  Momiji tells her that she can sense where the Aragami are and Kome asks her to pinpoint it for her.  Kusanagi shows up, and together, all three of them manage to kill the Aragami.  The end of the episode finds Kome wearing the ribbon that Momiji bought her as a sign of friendship, telling Momiji that if she'll find the Aragami for her, Kome will take care of the rest.  She even unbends enough to tell Momiji that she can call her by her first name.  Such friendliness on her part, not to mention the sight of her wearing a red ribbon is more than the members of the TAC can stand, and they are all left dumbfounded...