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Surprise!  She's the Mother of




    Episode five begins with Kome and Momiji taking a helicopter ride at night, looking for Aragami.  Momij's mitama starts reacting to an Aragami, glowing brightly, and who should appear, but Mr. Kusanagi.  He climbs into the helicopter with them, and then comments about how easy their job is to be flying around  This upsets Momiji, who swiftly informs him that what they are doing is hard work.  She even shows him some of the equipment that the TAC has given her, including some kind of bracelet used for monitoring Momiji's condition.  This makes Kusanagi very unhappy, and he apparently pockets the device. 
    The story moves on as Momiji does sense a real Aragami at a construction site below, but later when they go looking for it, they can't find it.  They are told by a construction worker that all the extra dirt from the site is dumped at the Bayshore Reclamation Project, and this is where the mitama has come to rest, falling into sea water filled with jellyfish. 
    The story then switches again to Matsudaira and her involvement in her research.  She comes barging into the TAC offices and tries to get Kunikida to talk to Momiji about letting Matsu examine her.  He is very uncomfortable with that suggestion, so Matsu moves on to Takeuchi and then Yaegashi, none of who are willing to do it.  They receive a phone call and hurriedly leave the office, leaving Matsu to trail after them into the garage where she watches them leave, deciding that she will ask Momiji herself. 
    From the side, we see her son, Jun address her, and they have a little discussion about her not remembering that she was supposed to go hiking with him and his father.  While they are talking, Kusanagi shows up with the bracelet device and tells Matsu to stay away from Momiji; that she is not a guinea pig.  He then promptly crushes the device and threatens the lives of both Matsu and her son. 
    Momiji shows up and wants to know what is going on, but no one is willing to tell her.  She goes inside with Matsu and after some conversation, Matsu collapses, exhausted from too much research and not enough rest.  Momiji takes Jun out and tries to console him, but he just brushes off her words of comfort, telling her that she should back up her statements with scientific data; after all that's what separates human beings from apes.  He abruptly leaves and Kusanagi shows up and calls him a brat.  Kusanagi's sudden appearance and words irritate Momiji and she demands to know what Kusanagi said to Matsu. 
    They go to the bay, and Momiji is persistent about the issue and finally Kusanagi responds, telling her that she wasn't supposed to tell anyone about her seed, and that he can't let them treat her like a research project.  Momiji seems rather pleased that he went to all the trouble on her behalf, and tells him so; to which he immediately becomes alarmed, feeling like she is putting words in his mouth.  But before the conversation can advance any further, Momiji's mitama starts to glow and Kusanagi takes off after the Aragami, now a giant jelly fish. 
    There is a battle, Kusanagi can't touch the mitama because it is encased in the acidic gel body of the Aragami, and Kome, of course nearly gets herself fried when she tries to shoot it and it showers gelatinous blobs of acid all over the deck of the ship.  Matsu then enters the scene and saves the day with a new weapon that uses hybrid polymers to dry up the jelly fish's body, but while utilizing the weapon, she falls off the helicopter she's on and into the ocean. 
    The very last scene is at the train station where her ex-husband and son are waiting for her.  She and Kusnagi arrive and she explains that Kusanagi saved her.  She promises Kusanagi that she'll leave Momiji alone, but Kusanagi changes his mind and says that she can take care of Momiji; that he thinks Matsu is someone that he can trust.  He walks away, and Momiji stops him, telling him that he can be so sweet.  Of course, Kusanagi denies it, saying that Matsu looked useful to him, so he let her off easy.  Momiji then tells him that he should let Matsu examine him - that maybe she can help fix his big fat mouth.  His only response is that he has something to examine himself, turning and lifting the back of Momiji's skirt to take a look at her underwear.... ~ _ ~  End of episode.