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Complicated and Hard to Understand!  Being

A Man Puts You Into Such A Difficult Position




    Episode six begins in downtown Tokyo at night.  The TAC are at the site where a giant cicada is attacking, and it has captured several Defense Force personnel.  Takeuchi and Kome are waiting for Yaegashi to finish his data analysis before they can try to set the men free, and Kome is getting irritated, as usual, with Yaegashi because she feels he is taking too long.  Finally, Yaegashi gives the word and Kome and Takeuchi close in to help the men only to be captured by the giant cicada.    
    Yaegashi tries to come to the rescue by using a rocket launcher against the monster, but he can't figure out how to unlock the safety.  Momiji takes the launcher from him and fires it, setting the girls free, but angering the Aragami in the process.  It lashes out against Momiji and Yaegashi and misses them both, but Momiji falls off the ledge she is standing on and is rescued by Kusanagi.  The Aragami seed gets away, and now the TAC have to try and track it down before it finds another host.  
    Back at the TAC building, Kome flies into Yaegashi for his inept attempted rescue, and he tries to apologize, but she won't listen.  Everyone leaves except Yaegashi, who miserably stays behind to compile some data, and Momiji, who stays behind because she wants to cheer up Mr. Yaegashi.  She tells Yaegashi that they should try to catch this Aragami monster on their own; that if they succeed, everyone will forget about his failure.  
    She renews his determination and he agrees, and then remembers that he left his Aragami Detection Program at his house.  They go there, where Momiji gets to meet his mother and learn a little bit about Yaegashi's past: being raised in a household full of women and being the top of his class at everything, until he was transferred to the TAC.  Momiji tries to comfort Yaegashi yet again, and he misinterprets her kindness for something else.  
    He leans forward to embrace her, accidentally turning on his "Momij's Underpants Simulation Program".  He tries to keep her from seeing it, but can't, and the program predicts that Momiji is wearing her Kaba San (Happy Hippo) underwear.  Momiji is quite upset, and tells him that it's wrong, that she's not wearing hippo underwear and storms out.  
    Once outside, she feels the presence of the Aragami and they go looking for it.  They get on the Metropolitan Expressway and get trapped by the giant Aragami inside a cocoon it weaves.  Kusanagi comes to their rescue, breaking through the silken web, but he can't find the blue seed and neither can Momiji.  Yaegashi uses his program to locate it, saying that it was right about Momiji's underpants (she lied!).   But before anyone can destroy it, the Aragami plasters Kusanagi to the side of the freeway and then takes Momiji hostage.  
    Now comes Yaegashi's real test: he finds another rocket launcher from the van, but the question is, can he fire it?  He has a flashback of Kome's words and then Momij's encouragement and picks up the rocket launcher.  He fires it at the same time that Kusanagi breaks free from his restraints and separates the blue seed from the body of the Aragami monster.  
    Momiji is rescued, and Yaegashi is given credit for saving the day.  One of the most interesting parts of this episode is at the end when Kusanagi drops the seed to the ground, saying that the insect had no other choice but to die without it.  He is very solemn, and it makes you wonder if he is thinking of his own fate; perhaps wondering what would happen to him if he were ever liberated from his own blue seeds...