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Are You Serious? Is This a Dream?

An Exciting Date!



    Episode Nine begins with Kusanagi hunting down a new type of Aragami - Aragami dogs with red mitamas.  He corners them in an alley and they run circles around him before disappearing.  This is the first episode where Murakumo appears.  He is stalking the Aragami with the red mitamas, killing them for his own reasons and  when Kusanagi runs across one that has been decapitated, he is left to wonder what killed it.  
    At this point, Kusanagi pays a nighttime visit to Momiji and asks her to spend some time with him the next day after school.  He doesn't give her a chance to refuse before he leaves, and after he is gone, Momiji wonders if he just asked her out on a date.  Thinking that this is perhaps the case, she sets her alarm clock for five a.m., just so she can get up and make their lunch.  The results look... less than appetizing, but she seems pleased, knowing that she put a lot of effort into them.
    Once at school, Momiji sits doodling in her textbook and realizes she just drew a picture of Kusanagi, which she promptly scribbles out.  Kusanagi in the meantime meets with Kunikida at a local restaurant, where they are discussing the new Aragami, neither of them knowing what is killing them.  Kusanagi gets ready to leave, but before he does, Kunikida lets him know that he is aware that Kusanagi used to watch Kaede.  And then he asks Kusanagi to tell him about his past, saying that he doesn't want to make another mistake - like he did with Kaede. 
    We never learn how Kusanagi responded to Kunikida.  The next time we see him he is at Momiji's school, sitting in a tree, waiting for her, and puzzling over the new Aragami.  He is so lost in thought, that he doesn't hear Momiji when she calls to him.  She ends up hitting him in the head with a soda can to get his attention (she apologizes, of course, never thinking that her aim would be so good!).      They leave school and while they are walking around, Momiji is trying to think of fun things to do, unaware that Kusanagi keeps looking at her chest, waiting to see if her mitama will start to react.  After a while, Momiji realizes that they are in the hotel district, and she gets upset, especially when Kusanagi asks her if she's feeling anything.  Kusanagi doesn't understand why she's so upset and when she suggests that they try the park he turns around and starts walking the other way, leaving her to catch up with him. 
    The story then switches  to Kome and Yaegashi, who are in the same section of town looking for the Aragami.  Unfortunately for them, they find them, and the Aragami move too fast for Kome to hit with her gun.  It looks like they are done for, when Murakumo shows up, killing the Aragami and inadvertently saving Kome and Yaegashi's lives.  The story switches once more, going to the park where Kusanagi and Momiji are.  She does a lot of babbling and he does a lot of listening while they eat lunch, after which, Momiji discovers the real reason for them being together: her Aragami tracking ability.  
    She gets upset and runs off, floundering into one of the Aragami that Kusanagi was looking for.  It leaps for her, but Kusanagi arrives just in the nick of time, scooping her up and delivering her to safety (bet you didn't think THAT was going to happen, huh?)  Momiji starts yelling at him, upset about the whole misunderstanding, and Kusanagi just gets impatient, asking her what stupid thing she complaining about, but has to rescue her again when the Aragami lunges.  He puts her on top of a building and tells her irritably that if he didn't like her, he wouldn't protect her. He goes back down to fight the Aragami, but Momiji draws its attention by screaming when it wounds Kusanagi.  The Aragami goes after Momiji and Kusanagi goes after it, stabbing it in the back. 
    It takes off running then, carrying Kusanagi into the water and demolishing a stone bridge.  Kusanagi wades out of the water and gets pinned by the Aragami, unable to defend himself.  Is this the end of our beloved hero?  Of course not.  Murakumo conveniently shows up and dispatches the monster, and leaves Kusanagi and Momiji wondering how he knows about them and what he's up to.  At the end of the episode, Kusanagi apoligizes to Momiji for the misunderstanding.  But she's not quite ready to forgive him yet and they just end up throwing insults at each other, after which, Momiji steps on his toes and then stomps away.  Ah, true love... isn't it a wonderful thing?

You need to be more careful about locking your windows






Momiji prepares lunch






Why are you always so dense?






Are we getting close?






Can't you try a little harder?






Kome finds a puppy






Oops!  I gave you the wrong one!






  Stay back.  It's dangerous












So you're Kusanagi






Take this!!!