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  Broken Heart Mended

                       (i do not own blue seed or any of its characters)

 Chapter one: making the plan
(If you don't like the way it starts off, keep reading, it gets better)
After the Right of Matsurie, Momiji had become somewhat of a celebrity. There were news crews that followed her everywhere she went. She had to take the back way in and out of her school just to avoid them. She had to wear baseball caps and dark shades just to go out in public if she didn't want to be run over by a mob of desperate reporters.
 After a while everything settled down and life went back to normal. High school passed quickly, and when she turned 18 she was ready to leave nest and make her own life. There was only a few more months left of school and the last dance of her high school years was on its way.

 It was 2:00 p.m. and Momiji Fujimia was leaning on her windowsill looking out at the tree across from her house where Kusanagi used to sit and watch over her. Her mind wandered back to when they first met, then to there first date, and then her mind rested on their painful breakup. It happened over two years ago, but it still hurt...

 FB: It had just started to rain when a girl the age of 16 with long brown hair was making her way home from the TAC building. She clutched an umbrella in her right hand and thought about what she had went through that day. Mrs.Matsudara had been doing extra tests on her ever since the Right of Matsurie and she ended up leaving much later than before. She hated the tests, but she did them anyway, for the good of Japan. (just in case the aragami returned) All the blood taken, the scary machines, the tissue samples, and the countless injections she knew would pay off.
 It really wasn't as bad as it sounded, because Kusanagi was usually there to comfort her. Yet, for some strange reason he hadn't been there for her today. She had to go through the tests without him and it left a small wound in her heart. She knew it was silly and that she was probably worried over nothing, but this was the first time he had ever missed one of her testing days, and that left her a little disturbed.
While she was walking, it had gotten colder, and she noticed it had began to rain harder. She started to move more briskly, not wanting to get even more wet than she already was.
 He eyes shifted from left to right, suddenly feeling a strange presence. She moved even faster now, and in her haste, she tripped over her own two feet and landed face first on the cold hard ground with a big thud.
"Don't you know its dangerous to go walking in the rain, at this time of night, alone?"
 Momiji looked up from her place on the ground to see Kusanagi with a grave look on his face. She didn't care what kind of look he had on his face, she was just happy to see him. "Kusanagi! Where were you today? Are you all right? Is something wrong? Why..."
 "Woe, slow down there princess. First we gotta get you home before you freeze to death." Without another word, he scooped her up into his arms and they were on their way.
 When they got to her window he set her down safely inside. Her nose was red from the cold a few leaves and branches were clinging to her sweater. "I'm sorry Kusanagi, I look a mess."
 "Don't worry about it princess. You look way better than I ever could."
 Her eyebrows shot up at the remark. She looked him up and down. Was he serious? He looked fantastic! Especially with his hair was wet. "Kusanagi, what are you talking about, you look great." she said giving him her best smile.
 "No Momiji, I don't." He looked into her brilliant green eyes and sighed. "I don't think... we should see each other anymore.
  Momiji recoiled in shock. "But why!?" she gasped, tears already building in her eyes. She searched his face, waiting for him to answer. When he didn't, tears started to run down her face.
 "Answer me!" she screamed. He just turned his eyes away from her.
 She thought back, searching for any reasons why he would do this. Suddenly it hit her. He had been pushing her away since they had started dating. No, she wouldn't really even call it dating. There was no romantic movies, candle light dinners, or even trips to the beach. It was just her and Kusanagi walking through the park while she jabbered away like a monkey. It was enough for her, but obviously not enough for him.
 She started to feel self-conscious and tried to get herself under control, but it was too late for control. She was losing it fast and there was only one person there for her to lose it on.
 "I see, you've gotten bored with me. Is that it? No, wait. Is it because you think I'm just a silly child and you were just humoring me? Or is it because you have found someone else?" The tears were falling down her face in full force now.
"Is it because I'm not smart or graceful like Kaede? Are you still in love with her? Or is because I'm not good enough for you? She looked into his eyes and prayed to the heavens that that wasn't the reason why. When he didn't say anything, she felt a sharp pain stab her heart and stay there. Tears streamed down her face as she watched the man she loved exit her room into the cold bleak night.

 Since then she had seldom seen Kusanagi, and when she did they would hardly say a word to one another. Soon she gave up on the idea of them getting back together. Eventually her heart healed, but it would never really be the same. It had shriveled up and refused love for a long time, until she met an 18 year old dream boat named Ryu.
 He was the guy that every girl in her school would give their right arm to be with. They met 2 months ago and had been friends ever since. Momiji was hoping that they could be something more than friends. He had invited her to the prom a couple of weeks back and she couldn't wait.
  Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. She rushed down the stairs and opened her door to see the smiling face of her best friend Akiko. Momiji grabbed Akiko's hand and they hurried upstairs to create a plan of what to do to prepare for the last dance of their high school years.
  In Momiji's room, Akiko squealed as Momiji pulled out the dress she was going to wear that night. "No fare Momiji! Your going to have the best dress there and I'll be plain!" Akiko held her dress up to Momiji's to prove her point.
  Momiji's dress was pale pink with spaghetti straps. It was almost skin tight, had a split up the right side to show her leg all the way to her lower thigh, and it dragged three inches behind her. It had little red rose designs at the very end.
 Akiko's dress was pale blue, poofy, long, and had spaghetti straps that made an x on her back. It was less pretty, but Momiji tried to make it seem otherwise.
 "You have got to be kidding Akiko! Its absolutely gorgeous, and you'll look terrific in it. To her relief, Akiko smiled and agreed with her. "Now, back to the plan!" Momiji stated seriously.
 "First I think we should get our nails done, then I think we should get makeovers, and then we move to the salon."
  "Perfect."Akiko agreed.
 A few minutes later they were out the door and on their way to the mall.

  Kusanagi's P.O.V.

Kusanagi yawned and stretched while sitting in the tree across from Momiji's window, as always. No matter what he did he couldn't stay away. He peered into the window to see two happy teenagers. One Momiji, and the other Akiko. He had noticed how much Momiji had changed over the past 2 years. She had lost most of her baby fat and had filled in, although she was still petite. He looked at the girls, puzzled. Why were they so excited? he asked himself.
  Then it hit him, they were going to the prom. He had heard about it from Mr. Kunikida. He wanted Kusanagi to watch over her when she went to the prom with Ryu, just in case he tried anything.
  When Momiji pulled out her dress for the dance, he almost exploded with anger! "It looks like something Sakura would wear!" he fumed. "Ok, maybe not that bad, but close." He would have to keep a close eye on her since she was wearing that to the dance.
   For the next few minutes he just sat there, looking at how beautiful Momiji was. He wished he could touch her and hold her in his arms. He would if he didn't have orange skin, green hair, catlike eyes, blades, and mitamas. He felt he was a half human freak that would make her life more complicated. That was what their whole break up was about, even though Momiji was oblivious to the fact.
 He sighed and laid back and pictured tearing her date apart. He knew it was wrong, but he smiled an evil smile enjoying the thought.
 Interrupting his daydream, he heard the girls get into Akiko's car and pull of. He jumped up and in one swift movement he was flying after them.



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