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Chapter One

As he walked slowly away, long black hair swaying in easy waves down his broad back, Momiji desperately attempted to place her jaw back into some semblance of normality. At some point in the last 5 minutes, while this strange someone had been talking to them, it had taken up residence somewhere around her knees and she was beginning to realize how ridiculous she looked. Noticing that she also was clutching Kusanagi's arm, Momiji jerked back before Dark-hair could see and continued to stare after the mystery man.

Kusanagi glanced over at Momij, and did a double take at the expression on her face. Following her line of sight, he saw her staring after the man who had just saved them both. She had a lost look on her face, and Kusanagi examined it sharply. Probably just in shock after all this, he thought.

"Hey Momi-" he began, but was cut off midsentence by a sigh from the girl next to him.

"Who do you suppose he is?" she asked, a decidedly dreamy look in her eyes.

Waving a gloved hand in front of her face, Kusanagi tried to get her attention to snap back. "Hello??" he said, a little perturbed.

"Hmm?" Momiji finally dragged her attention back to Kusanagi, staring at him with unfocused emerald eyes.

"Nothing," he shook his head, exasperated. Just then, the TAC pulled up and Kusanagi decided to beat a hasty retreat before the explaining had to begin. "Catch you later, Princess," he said, waving as he walked off. Frowning, he realised a minute later that she hadn't even said goodbye to him. Something had really gotten her rattled today, and he wasn't sure what it was. But he knew that he didn't like it one bit.


"You should have seen him Ryoko! He just swooped out of nowhere and took care of that Arigami wham-bam! Just as it was about to hurt Kusanagi! Kusangi was trying to take care of it, but Dark-hair just flew right in and one-two! Problem gone!" Momiji gushed, practically tripping over her words in her excitement and hands gesturing wildly in the small front seat of their car. Easing the small vehicle around a sharp corner, Ryoko raised an eyebrow at the girl in the passenger seat and looked Momiji over, taking in her sparkling green eyes and flushed cheeks. "Well, he certainly seems to have caught your attention, this Mr. Dark-hair," Ryoko teased gently.

Gulping audibly, Momiji sat ramrod straight in her seat, embarrasment flaming her cheeks even brighter. "No, er, its just that I-I mean, umm…" she lamely choked out. Taking a breath she decided to try again. "What I mean, Ryoko, is that he could be a great assest to the TAC! Anybody who can fight like that against the Arigami would be a good ally!" Momiji rushed onwards. "Yes, that is exactly it! We should try to recruit him!"

Chuckling, Ryoko glanced at the girl again and smiled. "You wouldn't mind seeing him more often, eh Momiji?"

"What?!? I-I mean, oh jeez…" Momiji trailed off and rolled down her small car window, hoping the rush of breeze would help to cool her suddenly fiercely blushing face. Ryoko just laughed and Momiji sunk further down into the seat, the picture of mortification embodied.




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