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Momiji Fujimiya


    Momiji is a fifteen year old girl born and raised in Izumo, the birthplace of many Japanese myths and legends.  She has always considered herself to be normal; just a typical girl, really, but when Kusanagi enters her life, she finds out that that is far from the truth.
    He tells her that she is the daughter of the Kushinada family, one of two twins and that he has come to kill, her.  Luckily she is saved by the TAC, but not before meeting Orochi, an Aragami monster who has plans of his own for her.
    At first, Momiji can't accept what Kusnagi has told her, because... well, let's face it: Momiji is far from being out of the ordinary in an kind of way.  In fact, she'll be the first to tell you that she isn't very bright - and she's not all that graceful, either, come to think of it...  But she is sweet, she cares for others and throws her whole heart into something once she's made her mind up.
    Momiji has an unfailing faith that humanity is inherently good and this plays a large role in how she views herself as the Kushinada.  She endears herself to those around her; even those who don't really like her and discovers that love can be quite wonderful and painful at the same time...
    Momiji finds dealing with Mamoru Kusanagi, her self-appointed protector, difficult and trying at times, but comes to rely on his presence in more ways than one.  He seems oblivious to her feelings, and Momiji is too shy to express how she feels... Will these two ever get together??

    Momiji's blood type is A and her zodiac sign is Libra.

    For information on the characteristics associated with Momiji's blood type, click

    For information on the characteristics associated with Momiji's zodiac sign, click