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Ice Cream

By Moonlit Shadow

Disclaimer/authors notes: I dont own anyone or anything. Anyways, yeah. This takes place before the end of the series, before Koume and Yaegashi get together. ^^ Also before Kusanagi and Momiji get together. Yeah... I'm writing this for two reasons. 1. there are no other fics that I have found that star Koume and Yaegashi, and 2. I'm a big fan of them and their relationship. ^^ Yup.. enjoy the fic, and dont sue...

It was a normal day for the TAC. Momiji was spaced out, thinking about the adorable plant guy, Matsudaira was working on something, Takauchi was plotting how to get Kunikida into bed with her, and Koume had Yaegashi in a headlock.

"Say UNCLE!!!" she demanded.

All he could do was cough. She laughed evilly and tightened her grip. "Say uncle!"

"Uncle!" He managed to choke out.

She shoved him to the floor and sat on his back. "Now say... uhh... say Momiji!"

Momiji turned to them. "What?" she asked.

"Momiji" He choked, as Koume bounced up and down on his back.

"WHAT?" Momiji demanded, slightly irritated.

"Say it again!" Koume said, pushing her knee into his back.


"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT??" an angry Momiji demanded, storming over to them.

Koume got off of poor Yoshiki's back and stood. "Nothing. I was just playing with Yaegashi here. Right, Yaegashi?"

He groaned and stood up as well. As he did, his back cracked loudly. "Ouch."

"Hey Momiji, ya wanna go and get some ice cream?" Koume asked. Momiji shook her head.

"No. I'm waiting for Kusanagi to come and make sweet love to me." and with that, she walked back over to the window and stared intently at nothing.

Koume sighed. "What about you, Yaegashi?"

Now Yoshiki Yaegashi was not stupid. He pushed his glasses up on his face and pondered this for a second. 'She's gonna shove ice cream in my face and down my shirt if I go, but if I dont go, then I'm gonna get pulverized... I think I'll take being pulverized. At least I wont have ice cream all over my suit...' "Uhhh... I don-"

"Great!" She grabbed his arm and yanked him out the door.

About fifteen minutes later, Yaegashi found himself outside an ice cream parlor. Koume grabbed his hand and dragged him inside. They sat down at a booth, and Yaegashi prepared himself for total meltdown. Literally speaking.

"So... Yaegashi..." Koume said. "Uhhhhh... how's your-" she paused to snicker "mother?"

He glared. "She's fine." He said firmly.

Just before things could get uncomfortable (Yaegashi: As if they already werent), Koume decided to get up and get some ice cream. Yaegashi sighed and looked out the window at the plants. 'Well, she hasnt done anything yet. But she still doesnt have her ice cream. I wish she would just let me-'

His thoughts were cut short by Koume. He flinched as an ice cream cone was thrust inches from his face.

"Yaegashi, whats the matter? Dont you want your ice cream??" Koume asked. He opened his eyes and stared at the cone. 'dammit, now she thinks I'm scared of her.' He took the cone, and she sat down across from him. 'Chocolate chip. How did she know it was my favorite? She is so amazing...' He smiled at her.

"Yaegashi, are you ok?" Koume asked. She set her cone down on the green table and reached across the table and felt his forehead. He prepared to be slapped, but the slap never came. Her hand went back to her ice cream, which she gingerly ate. She soon finished it, and got another. And another. And another. And another. On about her seventh one, she started to feel sick. "Whoa, I dont feel good..." she said.

Yaegashi laughed. He was beginning to feel a bit more comfortable around Koume. "Maybe its all the ice cream you had."

She looked at him wearily and made a face. "Thank you, captian obvious. Now, get your ass up and help me to the bathroom. I think I'm gonna vomit."

He laughed again. His laughing was drowned out by Koume hurling on the floor of the parlor, and the manager shouting at her to get to the bathroom.

After a few more ice cream cones (for Koume of course. Yaegashi only ate one), the two decided to go to the park to 'walk it off'. Yaegashi smiled as he helped Koume walk, who had gorged herself with ice cream.

"That bastard! It was his ice cream that made me sick! He had no right at all to yell at me like that! If I would have had my gun..." Koume ranted.

"If you would have had your gun and shot that guy, you would go to jail, and then I'd have to bail you out." Yaegashi laughed. "And as for the ice cream making you sick, if you wouldnt have eaten so much, you probably wouldnt have puked." She stomped on his foot.

The made their way to a bench just as the sun was starting to set. Koume sat on one side, and Yoshiki on the other.

Koume laughed and poked Yaegashi. "What I cant get past is the look on that guys face when after I got done vomiting, I went up and asked for more!"

"Yeah, that was pretty funny." Yaegashi sweatdropped and put his hand behind his head in embarassment.

Koume scooted closer to Yoshiki. "hey Yoshiki?"


She fidgeted nervously. "Can I ask you a question?"


"Do you ever... uhhh... get mad at me... for being a-"

"Sometimes." He replied, turning to face her. He sighed. "But I know that its just your weird way of letting me know that I'm your friend. So dont worry about it."

She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. "yeah."

Yoshiki was stunned. Was he hallucinating? 'Did she just put her head on my shoulder??? Fuck, what now???' He was at a loss for words, so he just did what came naturally; he put his arm around her.

Authors notes: There. Its done. The first Yoshiki/Koume fic that I have seen. ^^ *Is happy*