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Disclaimer:  I do not own Blue Seed or any of its characters, still


Chapter 4

What’s Going On?


Kusanagi stood in stunned silence at Momiji’s words for a few seconds before retreating outside.  After sliding her window shut, he perched in one of the many trees surrounding her house and turned to glare at her darkened window.

“What the hell is going on!?” He silently yelled at himself. 

Things had been quiet for so long that he had not worried about Momiji’s safety the whole time he had been gone.  To return and find Arigami in Izumo had stunned and disturbed him.  He still felt antsy from the adrenaline that shot through his system upon discovering their return.

However, Momiji’s reactions that night were what truly confused him.

When he had looked into Momiji’s window and saw her pert, bare body, he could not resist.  Kusanagi could never pass up a chance to fluster Momiji, especially if it meant he could see more of her delicious body.  He had almost been over powered by his desire when she had flushed clear down to her navel.  He had missed her so much those two months.  He needed to find a way to be normal before he would embrace her the way he wanted to.  Kusanagi felt his arm blade wanting to slip free with the emotional strain of trying to look calm.  That was, at least until she stared to fling things.  Nothing was more enticing than Momiji riled up.  Kusanagi couldn’t help goading her on with a sly remark about her baby butt.  He knew he should not have, but, it was always so much fun.  Momiji had truly been angry at him.  But, that was how he had expected her to react.

What had him baffled was her reaction after his announcement that he had seen Arigami.  He had expected her to show some surprise and then for her to simultaneously cling to him for protection while demanding to fight them with him.  Instead he had seen a flicker of disappointment cross her face and not an ounce of surprise.  And then, she just turn away from him and asked him to leave.  He had expected her to at least be all over him about his absence.  When he had first met Momiji she had been so different than Kadea, that he had had a hard time understanding why she did things.  Kusanagi had thought he finally understood Momiji.  Well Momiji has always been exasperating.  He would figure out why she was acting so strangely later.

For now, he needed to focus on this new threat to his Kushinada.  Momiji had not been surprised about the Arigami, so it stands to reason that she already knew about them.  Since Momiji still telecommuted with the TAC, they probably knew what was going on, and were just late like usual about getting to the scene of the attack.  With that thought he went to call Kunakida's cell.

However, the call did nothing to alleviate Kusanagi’s feelings of unease.

It started with the phone needing to ring many times.  Kusanagi was about to give up in disgust when it finally picked up.

“Hello?” croaked a sleepy voice.

“Mr. Kunakida, this is Kusanagi.  I was just calling to let you know that you missed the Arigami attack to night.  I also want to know how long this has been going on.”

“WHAT?!  Is this some sort of joke Kusanagi?  What do you mean an Arigami attack?”  Yelled Kunakida into the phone, becoming fully awake in an instant.

“You mean you did not know they were back as well?”  Kusanagi all but yelled back into the phone.  “I thought since Momiji was not surprised you were in on it.”

“Momiji has been on vacation the past month and a half; she had not notified us she was back.  I will be in Izumo by morning to find out what type of vacation she took.  I’ll call in Matsudaira to take samples of what’s left.  God dammit, won’t they ever just Leave her alone!”  With that Kunakida hung up and Kusanagi was left glaring at a dead phone.

With no answer to be found in the now dead phone, Kusanagi went to patrol the surroundings incase there were