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Disclaimer:  I do not own Blue Seed or any of its characters



Chapter 8

The Disguise


          “Mamoru” Momiji quietly whispered as she slumped to the forest floor.

Momiji felt like a puddle of goo.  A very happy puddle of goo.  If that was what happens when Kusanagi leaves for a couple of months, then Momiji wished he had done that years ago.  Her body still burned from the passion of their kiss.  Kusanagi had never shown so much passion before.  And then, when he had unknowingly stroked her Mitamas she had had to shudder from the strangely pleasant sensation that rippled through her body.  It was like he was stroking her very soul.  She shuddered again, remembering the sensation.

          He had said he wanted to marry her!  New joy ripped through Momiji’s being as she remembered his words.  However, it was slightly dampened when she remembered that he had said he wanted to be normal before he married her.  He hated his mitamas. 

          Momiji had never understood why having mitamas seem so horrible to Kusanagi.  True they had been forced upon him with the task of protecting the Kushinada, but, claimed that he liked protecting her.  They certainly did not do anything bad for his looks.  Sure he was not exactly normal looking.  Yet, Momiji had on many an occasion seen stranger looking “normal” people.  Best of all, his mitamas gave him great abilities.  He was strong.  He could fly.  Kusanagi’s ability to recover from injuries was absolutely amazing.  He could sense Arigami when he focused and Momiji suspected he could sense her whereabouts as well as when she felt like she was in danger.  Still, he hated them and seemed to feel like he was worthy of her because of them.

          Kusanagi’s hate for mitamas reaffirmed Momiji’s decision to not tell him or anyone else about her mitamas.  Momiji was sure she would find a way to remove her two mitamas just like she had her last one.  Nevertheless, until that time Momiji planned to have a little fun.  She had always wanted to fight alongside Kusanagi.  Sadly, the majority of the time Kusanagi would leave her behind, insisting he was to protect her not her him.  As Inda, she would be able to help Kusanagi protect “Momiji.”  It was going to be fun to see what he thought of someone with her personality, yet strong.

          Momiji picked herself up and hurried into her house.  Once inside she tried to sense Kusanagi’s presence.  True to his word he was at the site of the Arigami attack.  Momiji then proceeded to see if she could use her mitamas to alter her facial features so that Kusanagi could not just look at her and know she was Momiji.  To her disappointment she found that while she could change most everything about her face, she was not able to affect her eyes at all.  Nonetheless, she should be able to change things enough that Kusanagi would not suspect it was her.

          Momiji decided to make herself look like what she envisioned and elf looking like.  She would keep the dark green skin that the mitamas produced naturally when evoked, her nose became more pointed as well as her ears, and finally she raised her cheek bones and gave them a bronze hue.  Now she needed to look like she was wearing something.  Since the mitamas only affected her skin, any clothing she was wearing tended to get torn if she had to form protruding blades or shields.  Momiji had not been prepared for her past two fights.  While fighting that last Arigami her clothing had been shredded by her own skin as she fought.  Momiji had felt a bit exposed, still it was better than being dead or worse.  She focused making her nipples smooth out and a ripple appear around the outside edges of her breasts so it appeared like she was wearing a flesh colored band of cloth.  She then made a similar ripple of flesh around her waist and her upper thighs.  With a blush she smoothed out the hairs and creases so now it looked like she was wearing spandex shorts.  Then for the coloring, since “Inda’s” skin was the same dark green as Kusanagi’s hair, she decided to have her “clothing” match Kusanagi’s favorite red trench coat.  As a final touch Momiji had her long hair form cloak like down her back.   She had to admit it was fun to change her appearance at will.  Slowly she turned around to look herself over in the mirror, burning the image into her memory.  For practice Momiji reverted to her neutral Arigami self and back to her Inda image till she was sure she could form it in the blink of and eye and hold it without much thought.  Satisfied, Momiji released her hold on her mitamas and reverted back to her normal self, remembering to reform her bracelets.

          After redressing, Momiji went down stairs to prepare for today’s meeting.  When Momiji had had her house built a year ago, she had known that she would still be involved with the TAC, so Momiji had had the house built with a conference room and a medium sized lab in the basement.  She had previously used the lab for taking the various readings Mrs. Matsudaira wanted from her, but, the conference room has never been used.  Momiji tried to perfect her story about what had happened while she tidied up her house, however, the memory of Kusanagi’s kiss and his words kept disrupting her thoughts.  And even though the rest of the morning and early afternoon went by uneventfully, she still did not feel prepared for the meeting when everyone began showing up.