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Disclaimer:  I do not own Blue Seed or any of its characters.



Chapter 11




            It had been a six days since Momiji’s mom had dropped the bomb about who her father was.  Every time Momiji thought about it she felt like she was going to hurl.  “That other Murakumo is not my father.”  Momiji repetitively told herself.  “As long I am never captured by him again I won’t have to think about it.”  She consoled herself.  “As far as anyone is concerned nothing really happened in that other dimension.”  Momiji once again told herself with a shudder.


            Trying to get her mind off the disturbing subject, Momiji thought over the past few days while she folded laundry in her room.  The past few days, life had seemed to return to normal.  At first everyone had been overly excited by all the new information.  But now the TAC had returned to Tokyo, the only difference was now Mrs. Matsudaira was scheduled to return to Izumo once a week.  Momiji was not sure how she was going to avoid Matsudaira’s scrutiny.  Hopefully Mrs. Matsudaira would continue to accept Momiji’s pre-done readings. 


Then there was the Kusanagi problem.  Momiji had hoped that his passionate kiss was a sign that their relationship was finally going to move to a deeper level.  “If anything, he is more distant.”  She sulked.  For the past six days Kusanagi had barely said “Hi” to her and Momiji was beyond feeling hurt.  “Maybe he is reconsidering being with me because I’m Murakumo’s daughter.”  That thought brought another shudder.  Quickly she tried to discard the idea.  The thought of him not liking her anymore because Murakumo was her father also supported the idea that Kusanagi would like her less if he knew she now had mitamas.  Momiji looked down at her mitamas which were still disguised as bracelets and bit her lip.


“I wonder where he is now.”  Momiji thought.  A few years back with Sakura’s aid Momiji had secretly learned how to sense if Kusanagi was close, though she still needed to concentrate real hard and could only tell if he was in a 20 mile radius.  Momiji closed her eyes and concentrated blocking out everything till she could just barely feel Kusanagi’s aura at the limit of her range to her left.  “He is not even watching over me like he normally does.”  Momiji pouted. 


Then an idea hit her.  “He always was able to sneak up on me and observe me.  Maybe I should practice using my mitamas and spy on him.”  They more Momiji thought about it the better the idea got.  “I should practice using my mitamas so I will be more practiced for the next attack.  And, I want to know what he has been doing when he is not around me.” 


Completely convince with her genius, Momiji stripped off her clothing and focused on her Mitamas to transform into the Arigami form she had practiced earlier.  Momiji twirled around in front of her mirror admiring her creativity.  “If only I could change my eyes too” she thought with a bit of regret.  “Then I could look completely exotic.  With a gleeful smile Momiji leaped out her window and went in search of Kusanagi.


One thing Momiji noticed while traveling through a more wooded area of Izumo was that all of her sense seemed to be heightened.  Momiji really had not taken time to explore her mitamas except in ways to hide there existence on her person.  It was strange, but, when she activated them she suddenly knew how to fight and had the agility and strength to do whatever she tried.  “It is like I can think through my mitamas when I have to fight.  I wonder if it is the Arigami soul lending me the knowledge I am asking for.”


Steadily, Momiji started being able to detect Kusanagi’s sent more and more.  “God I love his smell” Momiji thought dreamily.  “He smells like the darkest part of the forest with a bit of spice.”  Momiji snapped herself back to reality when she realized she was getting close and decided to proceed more cautiously.  “Time to practice stealth” she thought with a smirk, enjoying her game.


As quietly as she could Momiji went from branch to branch till she could get a clear view of Kusanagi.  Momiji was amazed at how quiet she could be.  “If it was not for the fact that I am doing this, I would never have known I was here.” 


Kusanagi was standing on top of a large broken rock looking down into one of the many shallow valleys in Izumo.  Momiji sat in her perch searching Kusanagi with her eyes for a reason for his distant behavior.  Momiji stayed in her position for nearly an hour just watching the unmoving Kusanagi.  The phrase “What is he thinking?” kept wandering through her head over and over. 


Then without any warning Kusanagi shot up into the air.  “Damn” Momiji swore while moving so she could see the sky clearly.  “I had hoped he would walk like a normal person not fly away al of a sudden.”  Momiji scanned the sky to no avail.  “I will just have to try to sense him” she muttered. 


Momiji cleared her mind and shut her eyes trying to sense where Kusanagi had gone to.  Slowly she began to fell his presence.  As she focused more, she realized he was still quite close in fact he was right behind her!!


Momiji whirled around searching desperately for where Kusanagi was hiding.  A light breeze brought his sent to her nose from her right and Momiji quickly turned to search that area.  Before she could take a second step Kusanagi stepped calmly out onto the branch in front of her.  His eyes held an intense stare and his arm blade where drawn.


“Hello Inda.”  He drawled.  “Enjoying the view?”  He asked with challenge in his voice while raising his right eyebrows.


Momiji felt like a deer caught in headlights.  Only when Momiji had first met Kusanagi had he seemed menacing.  And even then he seemed restrained.  Kusanagi had no idea that she was his princess who he would tolerate anything from.  Momiji had not been sure what Kusanagi’s thoughts on Inda where, but, one thing for sure was he was not acting friendly.  However, the other reason Momiji felt glued to her spot was how incredibly sexy he seemed right then as well.


The spell was broken when Kusanagi took a step towards her.  Suddenly Momiji’s fight or flight instinct kicked in and she ran like crazy chanting “bad idea, bad idea, bad idea” in her head.  Instinctively she ran towards home.  However, before she was even a quarter of the way there, Kusanagi was in front of her again.  Momiji instantly veered off to her left chanting “really bad idea, really stupid idea, really idiotic idea” in her head.  After a few more minutes of running, Momiji began to slow.  She stained every fiber in her being trying to hear, smell or sense Kusanagi.  She could have just waited for after just a few breaths Kusanagi was there in front of her again.


“Where is Momiji?”  He demanded.  “I can’t sense her anywhere.”


Momiji’s eyes widened just a fraction at Kusanagi’s admission.  She had always suspected that Kusanagi could sense her.  What surprised her was that he could not sense her right now.  Kusanagi just stood perfectly still in front of her, his arm blade still extended and that intense look on his face.  Momiji could tell he was primed to jump into battle at any moment and frantically searched her mind for a way to satisfy Kusanagi without exposing herself (in more ways than one J).  Luckily inspiration hit her.  “Momiji must be testing our way to hide her.  If you cannot sense her than Murakumo will not be able to sense her.”  Momiji mentally crossed her fingers hoping that Kusanagi would accept it.  When he was silent for a few more minutes Momiji hesitatingly offered “why don’t you try Akiko’s house.”  Then hopefully while he searched there it would give her enough time to get home and change back.


            Without warning Kusanagi’s arm shot out and snagged Momiji’s in a vice like grip.  “You, Inda are coming with me to find out.”


            Momiji’s body reacted instinctually to what felt like a threat and spikes sprouted from her skin piercing Kusanagi’s hand.


            “Shit!”  Kusanagi cursed. 


Momiji took off instantly leaping from branch to branch.  This time she tried weaving around the forest hoping to shake her pursuit.  Just as she was considering slowing Momiji was knocked hard into a tree and found herself pinned there by Kusanagi’s body.  Luckily for Kusanagi Momiji was able to control the reflex to shoot out spikes to make him release her. 


Momiji looked at Kusanagi’s face and let out a little gasp.  He face looked completely fierce and his body seemed to almost shudder with barely suppressed energy.  He was completely focused on her and Momiji found it almost exciting if it wasn’t for the fact that she was the tiniest bit afraid.  However, while he continued to keep her pinned to the tree saying nothing but more importantly doing nothing, her fear eased and her libido increased.  Momiji knew he was waiting for her to submit and led him to wear Momiji was hiding.  Luckily the adrenaline in her system allowed inspiration to hit once again.


Momiji suddenly leaned forward and kissed Kusanagi.  She held the kiss for a few seconds her heart pounding in her ears before Kusanagi jerked his head back.  “If you cannot sense her, how should I.  You will sense her when she is ready to be found.”  That said, Momiji ducked under the now stunned Kusanagi’s arm and started racing towards home.


Halfway to her house Momiji slowed and tried to sense Kusanagi.  This time she was pleased to note he was not close by.  Instead he seemed to have stayed where she had left him.  Satisfied Momiji completed the trip to her house and slipped back in through her window.  With a sigh Momiji released her mitamas and returned to her normal nude state.  Quickly she reformed her bracelets and got dressed before she would let herself relax.


While Momiji was more relaxed than when she had been trying to elude Kusanagi, her body still thrummed with adrenaline.  As her fear quickly drained away Momiji began to think about how exciting it was to have Kusanagi chase her.  Then it hit her.  “I’ve always chased after Kusanagi while he pushed me away.  I wonder how I could get him to chase me with the same passion he chased Inda with?”  Momiji pondered for a little while longer.  “I need help and I know just the person to ask.”


Still pumped up with adrenaline Momiji pounded Sakura’s number into her phone.  While the phone was ringing Momiji continued to think and decided to hit the three way call button on her phone and dial Akiko’s number as well.


“Hello” Sakura’s sultry voice answered.


“Hey Sakura this is Momiji.  I need to ask a favor.  Hold on for me to get Akiko on the phone as well.”  Momiji said in a rush.


After another ring Akiko picked up.  “Hello?”


“Hey Akiko” Momiji chirped.


“So why are you bothering us?”  Sakura snapped.


Momiji took a breath before hurriedly speaking into the phone.  “I’m always chasing after Kusanagi and he is always pushing me away.  I need to find a way to make him chase me.  Who better to help me than you Sakura.”


“Well I do know how to get a man” Sakura preened.


“And, I need you Akiko to help make sure I do not go over board and seem obvious.”  Momiji continued with the same breath.


“I would love to help you and Kusanagi finally get serious!”  Akiko beamed.


“Then will you two help me?”  Momiji pleaded hopefully.


“It is going to be a lot of work for me” Sakura drawled.  “You are going to need more than new cloths.  You will have to learn to be a little more daring.”


“Anything!”  Momiji promised.  “Let’s go to Tokyo tomorrow.”


“O.K.”  Both Sakura and Akiko chimed in.


“This is going to be so much fun!”  Akiko giggled into the phone.


“I will pick you two up tomorrow then around 10 am.  I will see you then.”  With that Momiji hung up.  She could barely contain her excitement.  Today had been exciting and tomorrow would set her on the way to finally secure Kusanagi into her life.