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Boring disclaimer:  I do not own Blue Seed or any of its characters. 



Chapter 14





            “Bye Akiko!” Momiji chirped to her friend as Akiko got out of Momiji’s car. 


            “Today was a lot of fun.”  Akiko responded smiling.  “We should do this again.”


            “When Kusanagi sprouts flowers from his head.”  Momiji grumbled under her breath glaring balefully at the ground.  Akiko just laughed at Momiji sulk and waved goodbye as she entered her house.


            Momiji sullenly drove home.  She had asked Sakura and Akiko for help expecting to go out and buy a new wardrobe and maybe some new makeup and perfume to make herself irresistible to Kusanagi.  In essence a light hearted girl’s day out in which she would return happy and refreshed with an updated look to turn Kusanagi’s head.  “Boy did I have it wrong” Momiji sighed.  Instead she found herself in hell getting tips on how to seduce a man without him noticing in the hopes of overloading his defenses to the point that he would finally pursue her full out.  And if Sakura giving her lessons in erogenous zones had not been bad enough, they had had the misfortune to run into Kome.  As she stopped at a stoplight, Momiji repetitively hit her forehead on the steering wheel.  “As if the first time Kome tried to help our relationship was not bad enough.”


            I can just see it now.  The next time she sees Kusanagi she will go swaggering up to him going “Kus oh boy.  Just the plant boy I’ve been wanting to see.”  Kusanagi will step back a bit from her and look at Kome like he expects her to go mad at any moment.  Kome will continue on, undeterred.  “Kus oh boy, have you ever considered having relations with Momiji?”  Seeing Kusanagi’s confused look she would elaborate.  “Do you want to have sex with Momiji?”  And I would die!


            Of course, that was not even the worse thing to happen.  Since they where all discussing Momiji having sex, Akiko brought up that maybe Momiji should get some sort of birth control.  That was when it came up that she had already been taking depo provera for quite some time.  “I swear if I hear one more variance on the old say ‘all dressed up with no place to go’ I’m going to use my mitamas to kill every one of them!”  Momiji all but screamed as she gripped her steering wheel with a white knuckled grip.


            Of course if it worked all the embarrassment would be worth it.  In her mind Momiji fantasized how she wanted her next meeting to go with Kusanagi.




            In Momiji’s mind she saw her and Kusanagi in front of her house.  Song birds were chirping in the distance and all of the surroundings where slightly out of focus.  The only things in focus were Kusanagi and Momiji and they were so in focus that they nearly shined.  “I missed you” Kusanagi spoke in an overly sexy voice.  At this moment a breeze causes her white shirt to fly up exposing her new white satin push up bra which has a small pink kitten on the right breast looking like it is going to pounce right into Momiji’s enhanced cleavage.


            “Aaiiee” Momiji yelled demurely trying to catch her shirt which happened to be designed to misbehave exactly this way.  However, when Momiji looked up at Kusanagi he had a slightly glazed look with a small drip of blood coming from his nose. 


            Kusanagi’s hands flexed twice reflexively before he could talk.  “Momiji, when did you start wearing cute animals on your upper unmentionables?”  He stuttered still slightly dazed.


            “Do you like it?”  Momiji asked coyly.  “It has matching panties.”  At which point she flipped up her skirt showing the matching white satin panties.  First she showed the front which had a larger version of the same kitten sitting demurely licking one of its paws.  Then she turned the show the back side which had writing in English.


            Turning back to Kusanagi she sees him take a large gulp.  “So” he begins hesitantly, “what does it say?”


            To which, Momiji smiled and walked up to him flawlessly utilizing the sexy walk Sakura had tried to teach her.  Placing her hand on Kusanagi’s upper abs she let it slide down slowly and whispered huskily, “it says sex kitten.”


            At which point Kusanagi shuddered delightful and grabbed Momiji roughly.  “I don’t know what it is about you today, you just seem so sexy.”  Pulling Momiji closer he groaned out, “I can no longer hold my self back Momiji.  I need you now.” 


            Instantly the scene jumped to Momiji’s bedroom which was decorated with roses and candles everywhere.  Cloths were a forgotten item and Kusanagi was devouring Momiji’s lips while his hand roved her curves.  Momiji slid her hands up is chiseled abs till she reached his bottom mitama.  Gently stroking it she elicited a groa..BEEEEEEEEP!!


            Momiji was violently shaken from her fantasy by the lights of a car heading right for her.  The next few moments where filled with Momiji’s screams as she frantically weaved between the oncoming cars with driving skills she never knew she possessed.  After a few harrowing moments Momiji was able to navigate to the correct side of the road and pulled over.  Practically hyperventilating, Momiji looked into her rear view mirror and was shocked that somehow no one had been injured due to her lapse in concentration.


            “Damn Sakura for putting those thoughts in my head.”  Shaking like a leaf, Momiji looked down at her green hands still clutching the steering wheel.  “GREEN!!  Why am I green?!”  Momiji panicked as she wrenched her mirror to get a better look at her face.  There was no doubt; she had turned into her Inda persona.  “Well, at least I know that if I transform unconsciously, I will always change to the same form.”  Momiji mumbled as she tried to calm herself and release her mitamas.  Close as she could figure, when the “Kushinada” was in danger, she would automatically transform.  Maybe she would automatically transform to her Inda persona because she thought it was in her best interest.  With a shrug Momiji decided to step out of her car for a few minutes to calm her rattled nerves before she finished her drive home.


            Leaning against her car, Momiji closed her eyes and let the breeze caused by the nearby traffic to carelessly blow through her loose shirt, causing the neckline to gape open and slide around.  She was glad that it had been dark since Momiji was pretty sure no one had noticed that the crazy driver careening across the rood had been green. 


            Fear gripped Momiji as the presence of an Arigami invaded her senses and she heard something thump in front of her.  Letting out a shrill squeal Momiji reflexively swung her arm out, her arigami powers instantly invoke allowing Momiji’s arm to stretch enough to nail the attacker sending it into a nearby tree.  Opening her eye, Momiji looked at her attacker ready to fight.  Shock at her stupidity enveloped her as she saw that it was Kusanagi sitting at the base of the tree, eyes closed as he rubbed his head. 


For a few painful moments, Momiji was terrified that Kusanagi would focus back on her before she could suppress her Arigami powers.  *I’m pretty sure that knocking him into a tree and yelling out surprise I’m an Arigami too was not part of Akiko and Sakura’s lessons.*  Momiji fretted, trying desperately to regain her composure as well as her true form.


            Luck was on her side and Momiji managed for once to get herself under control before Kusanagi shot up and roared, “what the hell?!  That bitch attacked me!”  Looking side to side with both of his arm blades exposed he looked ready to attack to nearest moving object.  This worried Momiji since she was the nearest moving object.


            “Uh… what?”  Momiji asked as meekly as she could.  Her dream meeting with Kusanagi was in shambles now, however in true Momiji style, she tried to see the brighter side.  While she was not fond of Kusanagi referring to her as a bitch, at least he did not seem to have noticed that she was the one to hit him.  Maybe, just maybe she could salvage this.


            “Where is she?  Where is Inda?”  Kusanagi ground out as he glared menacingly at the surrounding trees.  “I came to check on you and she blind sided me.”  Then he added as an after thought, “Are you O.K.?” 


Momiji felt a bit uneasy under his sudden scrutiny.  “Um… Yeah I’m fine.”  Momiji stuttered as she fiddled with the bottom hem of her shirt.  Then remembering that she was supposed to be trying to touch Kusanagi as much as possible she jerked her head up and stiffly walked over towards Kusanagi.  Three quarters of the way there, she stumbled over an invisible rock and fell head long into Kusanagi’s chest.  *Well at least I touched him* Momiji consoled herself.  Now that she was so near to Kusanagi, Momiji felt the familiar urge to cling to him, however, both Sakura and Akiko had been very firm that she was not to hang on Kusanagi in any way.  Instead she was to caress him with both her words and her hands.  How, she did not have the faintest clue. 


Screwing up her courage, Momiji decided Kusanagi’s arm was a safe place to start.  Hesitantly reaching out like Kusanagi’s arm might bite her, Momiji hesitantly placed her hand on Kusanagi’s arm just above his elbow.  “I just had a little scare while driving and was taking a breather.”  As she was couched by Sakura, as soon as she finished speaking she drew her arm away.  Kusanagi looked intently at Momiji causing her to look down and fidget.  She was hoping that he took her awkwardness as left over fear from her near car crash.


Seeing Kusanagi still glaring at their surroundings Momiji decided to try to smooth things out.  Once again lightly resting her hand on Kusanagi’s upper arm, Momiji spoke.  “Inda probably just hit you because she heard me scream.”  She felt like the butterflies in her stomach were going to eat her alive.  She had so much riding on if she could pull off Akiko and Sakura’s plan, and she felt so awkward.  Not to say that she had not felt awkward previously with Kusanagi.  It was just now she was more focused on had each of her movements were jerky like she was a puppet on strings.


            Kusanagi focused on Momiji and his body language relaxed.  “If she hits people because you scream…” he smiled before continuing, “A lot of people are going to get hit.”


            Momiji could not help but pout.  First he calls her alter ego a bitch and now he is mocking her.  “Kusanagi…” she began ready to smack him upside the head, but then stopped when she saw his continence become serious again.


            “I don’t like the fact that I can not sense her most of the time.”  Kusanagi stated as he once again scanned their surroundings.  “She is from that other dimension and there is no way we can confirm if she is really on our side.”


             Patting his arm, Momiji tried to reassure him.  “Oh don’t worry.  Inda is just as likely to betray us as I am.”  Momiji was proud that for once she had spoken clearly with out stuttering or giving away her secret a monumental feat when it came to her talking to Kusanagi.  But her small victory soon flicked out of existence when Momiji noticed that Kusanagi was looking quizzically at the hand that was currently patting his arm.  Snatching her hand back, embarrassed, Momiji realized that her attempted change in behavior was becoming obvious.  Luckily Kusanagi did not seem inclined to comment on her strange behavior yet.


            “Not to be insulting princess, but you tend to be a bit too trusting for my comfort.”  Kusanagi stated while crossing his arms.  “Besides, what I dislike the most is that I cannot sense her except for a few brief moments.  Otherwise it is like I always have the faintest tickle that she is near you, but I cannot spot her.”  That said, Kusanagi leaped into the nearest tree and began to speed away.


Momiji suddenly remembered that she was not supposed to let him leave before she was ready.  Desperately she called out to Kusanagi.  “Kusanagi!  Wait!”


However he did not wait, instead he just hollered over his shoulder, “by the way, when did you start wearing funny animals on your bras too?”


            “Pervert!!”  Momiji screamed out, though privately she was thankful since she was sure now that her new bra was what had distracted Kusanagi so that he had not noticed that it was she who had hit him.  Grumbling as she got into her car and began to finish her drive home Momiji felt that for once she did owe Sakura.  Momiji had completely flubbed her first meeting with Kusanagi after her makeover.  Somehow she was sure that punching him was not part of Akiko and Sakura’s plan.  Smacking herself on the forehead, Momiji also realized that she had let Kusanagi just leave like usual and while she had been touching him while she talked, she had only seemed to make him curious at her odd behavior. 


            Then a thought hit her.  She did not feel comfortable practicing Sakura’s “art” as she was now.  However, if she was not Momiji, but Inda then she would not have to be so embarrassed.  “Anyways, Kusanagi wanted to get to know Inda better,” Momiji said out loud with a smile.  Maybe today was salvageable.